
Reggio Emilia: The City of the Tricolor

Reggio Emilia is an ancient city in Emilia Romagna, located in the heart of the Po Valley, and is the capital of the eponymous province. The city, which has a population of approximately 170,000 inhabitants, was founded by the consul Marco Emilio Lepido in 187 BC, along the ancient Roman road, the Via Emilia, which connected Piacenza to Rimini.

The City of the Tricolor

Reggio Emilia is known as the City of the Tricolor, since the Italian tricolor flag was created and displayed for the first time in this city on January 7th, 1797. The Italian flag was inspired by the flags of the Cispadane Republic, which had its headquarters in Reggio Emilia. The flag was exhibited in the Tricolor Room of the City Hall, which can still be visited today.

Reggio Emilia: The City of the Tricolour and Parmigiano.

Parmigiano Reggiano and Reggio Emilia Approach

Reggio Emilia is famous throughout the world for Parmigiano Reggiano, a hard cheese for which the city has become famous together with the nearby cities of Parma and Modena. The city is also known for the pedagogical teaching method called the Reggio Emilia Approach, which has been widely successful internationally.

The Municipal Territory

The municipal territory of Reggio Emilia is completely flat and extends in the central part of the Po Valley. The city is crossed by the Crostolo stream and by numerous minor watercourses and streams. In the past, the first inhabited nuclei corresponding to the current fractions and locations developed near these watercourses. The first foothills of the Reggiano Apennines develop about 10 kilometers south of the municipal territory.

The Climate of Reggio Emilia

The climate of Reggio Emilia can be defined as temperate continental, with hot and rather muggy summers and cold winters with frequent frosts. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year, but more frequently and intensely on average in autumn and spring. July and January are the driest months. Snow falls on the city every year in winter, albeit with rarely significant accumulation and with great variability from one season to another.

The Italian Resistance and the title of decorated city

After the Second World War, Reggio Emilia was one of the cities decorated for military valor for the Italian Resistance liberation war due to the significant role it played during the Italian liberation war. This recognition testifies to the city's commitment to the fight against fascist dictatorship and the construction of democracy and peace.


Reggio Emilia is a city rich in history and culture, famous worldwide for Parmigiano Reggiano and the Reggio Emilia Approach. The city is located in the heart of the Po Valley and offers a temperate continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters. Finally, the title of decorated city testifies to Reggio Emilia's commitment to the construction of democracy and peace.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023