Tizzano Val Parma

Discovering Tizzano Val Parma

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Tizzano Val Parma, a small town in the province of Parma in Emilia-Romagna, with a population of just over two thousand inhabitants. The town is named after the Latin personal name Titius with the suffix -''anus'', as explained in the UTET toponymic dictionary.

Exploring the Physical Geography

Tizzano Val Parma is situated on a hill covered in vegetation, and from the old town you can enjoy a beautiful view of Mount Fuso and the distant Rocca di Canossa. Despite its medieval origins, in recent decades building activity has altered the look of the town, but you can still admire some beautiful ancient portals. If you have time, I recommend taking a walk in the elongated square located in the center of the town, where the church is located. From here, you can climb up to the oldest part of the town, composed of a narrow alley and attached houses. If you are brave enough, you can climb even higher to reach the remains of the fortress, immersed in the woods. Here you can still admire a beautiful sandstone portal.

Tizzano Val Parma: medieval beauty and nature in Emilia-Romagna.

The Natural Beauty of the Town

Immersed in the green hills of Emilia-Romagna, Tizzano Val Parma is also rich in medicinal herbs. Among these is wild fennel, a masculine genus plant linked to the planet Mercury and the deities Dionysus and Prometheus. According to the mystic Saint Hildegard of Bingen, eating wild fennel gives joy, warmth and promotes digestion. In addition, the root of the plant is often used in ritual ceremonies, as in the case of tyrsus prepared with stems of wild fennel. But the plant is also used in modern herbal medicine for gastrointestinal disorders, reduces flatulence and it is said that chewing its seeds is an excellent cure for bad breath. Finally, if you want to try to make an excellent herbal liqueur, you cannot miss using wild fennel as a base.

Finally, the Hydrography

The municipality of Tizzano Val Parma is crossed by the river Parma, 92 kilometers long and a tributary of the Po. The river originates from Mount Orsaro M. and its course varies from calm to torrential. If you are nature lovers, you cannot miss taking a walk along the banks of the river, enjoying the coolness of the water and the shade of the trees surrounding it.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a small town where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, Tizzano Val Parma is the perfect destination. Enjoy the view from the old town, explore the old nucleus of the town and taste the wild fennel and all the other local products that the area has to offer. Don't forget to take a walk along the banks of the Parma river to complete your trip!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Feb 12, 2023