
Discovering Tinnura, the town famous for its murals

Tinnura is a small town with 244 inhabitants located in the province of Oristano, in Sardinia. The town is famous for its murals, which are one of the main attractions for visitors to the area. However, there is much more to discover in this ancient village, and we will try to present it to you in the friendliest way possible.

Origins of the name

The name Tinnura dates back to ancient times, probably before the Roman era. The term "Tin" comes from a proto-Sardinian word that referred to the Juncus acutus plant, which was widely used in the town's traditional handicrafts, along with asphodel.

Tinnura, the municipality of murals: history, places and traditions.


Tinnura has an ancient and fascinating history, dating back to the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic era. Over the centuries, it has undergone various dominations, from the Alianti to the Malaspina, from the Savoia to the Paliaccio.


The coat of arms of the municipality of Tinnura consists of a flag divided into blue and red.

Monuments and places of interest

Tinnura offers various monuments and places of interest for those who love history and art. In particular, the Church of Sant'Anna, located on the same street as the murals, is a must-see for lovers of religious architecture.


The population of Tinnura has grown steadily over the last few decades, recovering its position as a vital center of the area.

Infrastructure and transport

Tinnura is easily accessible by car via the North-Western Sardinian State Road 292. In addition, there is a railway station in the area served by the Trenino Verde dell'ARST.

Image gallery

The photos of the murals in Tinnura are spectacular and definitely worth a visit. We recommend taking some time to discover these wonderful works of art along the streets of the town.


Tinnura is an enchanting town with a long history and a rich cultural tradition. The beauty of its murals, the grace of its parish church, and the liveliness of its community make this town a place to visit absolutely. And don't forget to admire the beauty of the natural landscapes surrounding the village.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Feb 12, 2023