
Testico: a peaceful town in Liguria

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Testico, a town in the province of Savona in Liguria. Only 182 people live here, but the beauty of this place rivals that of larger cities.

Physical geography

Testico is located near the ridge that divides the valleys of the Merula and Lerrone streams. The surrounding nature is wonderful and allows for relaxing walks and enjoying the fresh air.

Testico: the tranquility and history of Liguria.


The toponym Testico is believed to originate from the name ''Testagus'' given by the Romans to the hill where the first military settlement of Testagi developed. Later, the name changed to San Pietro del Testico due to the evangelization work of the Order of St. Benedict.

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Testico was part of the possessions of the Castellania di Montarosio and an ecclesiastical fiefdom of the diocese of Albenga. From 1298, the area passed into the hands of the Doria family and later became the property of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia and then of the lord Gian Gerolamo Doria of the principality of Oneglia.

During the Italian Campaigns, Testico suffered the passage of troops from beyond the Alps and the Church of Saints Peter and Paul was stripped of all its precious goods. Subsequently, the municipality of Testico was part of the Ligurian Republic and the Kingdom of Sardinia and Italy.


Testico is a small town with a great history. Its origins date back to Roman domination, but the place underwent various influences during the subsequent centuries.

Today, Testico is a quiet and peaceful town where nature is protected and allows for long walks. If you are looking for a place to relax and recharge from the frenzy of big cities, I recommend visiting Testico. It will be an experience you won't easily forget!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Tuesday, Aug 9, 2022