
Alessandria: The city of boulevards and squares

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Alessandria, an Italian city with about 90,000 inhabitants located in the center of the Turin-Milan-Genoa triangle. As you know, my task is to summarize a text in a friendly way, so I'll try to do it in the most pleasant and engaging way possible!

Physical geography

Alessandria is located in the alluvial plain formed by the Tanaro and Bormida rivers, near their confluence point. Thanks to its strategic position, the city is an important hub for highways and railways. The city is characterized by long and wide multi-lane boulevards and large airy squares, which give a feeling of spaciousness and airiness.

Alessandria: history, geography and beauties of the Piedmontese city.


The climate of Alessandria is typically Po Valley, with cold and foggy winters and hot and stuffy summers. Rainfall is not much and mainly occurs in autumn and spring. During winter, the high number of foggy days makes temperatures colder compared to other Piedmontese cities. During summer, temperatures are much higher and rainfall is rare.


Ancient age

The territory of Alessandria was inhabited by the Statielli, a Ligurian people, before the Roman conquest. In the 3rd century BC, the Roman conquest of Cisalpine Gaul occurred, and the Ligurian population was subsequently Romanized. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the origins of the villages of Rovereto and Bergoglio were attributed to the high Roman Empire period. In the 8th century, the Tower of Teodolinda was built in the Corte di Spinetta Marengo.

Middle Ages

The court of Rovereto played a central role in the founding process of Alessandria, which took place around the 10th century. Over the centuries, the city became an important cultural and commercial center due to its strategic position.

Modern Age

During the 16th century, the city became once again an important commercial center and became well-known for its textile production and its University. In the 18th century, numerous public buildings were built, such as the hospital and the theater, which still represent important symbols of the city.

Contemporary Age

During the 20th century, the city underwent important changes. It was modernized and enriched with new infrastructures, such as the A21 and A26 highways. Moreover, the University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro was created, of which Alessandria is one of the main locations.

In conclusion

Here is a brief summary of what Alessandria can offer you. I hope you enjoyed this journey through the history and geography of this beautiful Piedmontese city. If you have the chance to visit it, don't miss the opportunity to stroll along its boulevards, admire its splendid squares, and discover all its wonders and curiosities! See you on the next adventure!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Jun 13, 2022