
Let's explore Soiana, the beautiful hamlet of Terricciola

Located a few kilometers from Terricciola in the province of Pisa, Tuscany, Soiana is a small hamlet that welcomes its visitors into the past. In this text, we will discover everything there is to know about the history, geography, monuments, and places of interest in this splendid location.

Physical Geography

Soiana is situated on the slopes of some hills, which separate it from the Valdera and the Cascina River. It borders Chientina and Santo Pietro Belvedere to the north, Soianella to the west, Selvatelle to the east, and Morrona and Terricciola to the south. It is 5 kilometers from Terricciola and just over 35 kilometers from Pisa.

Explore the history and monuments of Soiana, the village of Terricciola.


The place name may derive from the Roman name Scianus, but Soiana was a castle of the early medieval period, first mentioned in 1099, and growing in importance, it hosted five Romanesque churches, of which only the church of San Michele remains today. Soiana, together with nearby Soianella, came under the control of the Gambacorti family of Pisa in the 15th century. In 1496, a battle was fought in which the Florentine condottiero Pier Capponi died. After coming under the control of Florence in 1568, Soiana obtained a statute and in 1789 was included in the vicariate of Lari. In 1833, the hamlet had about 850 inhabitants, while the census of 1951 recorded 363.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Religious Architecture

The church of Sant'Andrea is the parish church of Soiana, built in 1852 after the earthquake that destroyed the original 13th-century building. Completed in 1897, it has an impressive bell tower designed by Luigi Bellincioni and extends over a population of about 800 inhabitants. The church of the Nativity of Mary, previously called San Michele, is the ancient church of the castle of Soiana dating back to a period before the 15th century. The apse of the church is set within the ancient keep that was part of the medieval fort.

Civil Architecture

Villa Mostardi-Fioretti is an impressive residence located along Pier Capponi road. Its current structure dates back to the 18th century and features the coat of arms of the family that owned it.

Military Architecture

The Castle of Soiana is a massive medieval fortress located along the main street of the hamlet. Refurbished over time, it is now a large palace from which the bell tower of the church of the Nativity of Mary rises.

Archaeological Sites

Not everyone knows that the hamlet of Soiana, as well as that of Morrona, is known for its important archaeological sites. These localities were already inhabited during the Bronze Age.

In conclusion, Soiana is a charming hamlet in Tuscany, ideal for those looking for both relaxation and culture. The beauty of its monuments, the surrounding nature, and the nostalgic atmosphere that permeates the ancient streets make this place an unforgettable travel experience.

Francesco Serra
Updated Thursday, Aug 18, 2022