Terranova di Pollino

Welcome to Terranova di Pollino: a small treasure in Basilicata

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a beautiful town in the province of Potenza: Terranova di Pollino. With its 1031 inhabitants and located near the border with the province of Cosenza, these small but breathtaking hills offer a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains and the beauty of the Pollino National Park. Terranova di Pollino is one of those hidden gems that sometimes go unnoticed, but is definitely worth visiting. In my summary, I'll show you everything you need to know about this town!

Physical geography

Terranova di Pollino borders numerous municipalities in both Calabria and Basilicata. Among the Calabrian municipalities are Alessandria del Carretto, Castrovillari, Cerchiara di Calabria, and San Lorenzo Bellizzi. While among the Lucan municipalities with which it borders are Chiaromonte, Francavilla in Sinni, San Costantino Albanese, San Paolo Albanese, and San Severino Lucano. The territory extends mainly between 800 and the foothills of Mount Calvario in the highest part of the Sarmento.

The construction of the State Road 653 of the Valle del Sinni in the 1980s facilitated a more immediate connection to the State Road 106 Jonica. Despite this, it is still difficult to reach the province of Cosenza due to the natural barrier constituted by the massif of Pollino, whose very high peaks serve as a watershed between the two regions and define the geographic border.

Terranova di Pollino: discover the jewel of Basilicata.

Terranova di Pollino: a place for hikers

Terranova di Pollino occupies a privileged position with respect to all hiking itineraries leading to the heart of the Pollino National Park. As soon as you leave the city center, the view you have of the road that climbs towards the locality of ''Casa del Conte'' is breathtaking! Passing the ancient barrier on the current course of the Sarmento, you arrive at Garavina, the gorge that offers a fantastic view of the district called ''Paraturo'', part of the fraction of Casa del Conte.


The origins of Terranova di Pollino date back to the 16th century. It was founded as a fief of the State of Noia to favor the settlement of colonizers in their vast properties. After the unification of Italy, Terranova was part of the district of Lagonegro and the Mandamento of Noepoli. In the 19th century, the name Terranovella di Noia was changed to Terranova di Pollino.


In summary, visiting Terranova di Pollino means immersing yourself in a spectacular mountain landscape within the Pollino National Park. This municipality in the province of Potenza offers a breathtaking view of the natural and historical beauty of the surrounding hills. If you are looking for a destination for your holidays in Basilicata, Terranova di Pollino is the ideal place: long walks, panoramic hikes, and absolute relaxation amidst nature await you.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Thursday, Sep 22, 2022