
Welcome to Papigno: the small hamlet in Terni

If you are looking for a picturesque and not too crowded small hamlet, Papigno in the province of Terni could be your ideal destination. Located on a hill at 227 meters above sea level, Papigno controls two of the most important roads in the Terni area: the Valnerina road and the Curia road, which leads to Rieti. With a population of 449 inhabitants, Papigno offers a calm and relaxing atmosphere, with many historical sites and a flourishing film industry.

The history of Papigno

Papigno has an ancient and fascinating history. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the village was a strategic defensive fortress of the municipality of Terni. In 1220, the village belonged to the Arroni family who pledged it to the municipality of Terni, which finally purchased it in 1225. The nineteenth-century reconstruction followed the earthquake of 1785. In 1798, the Battle of Terni saw the defeat of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by the French general of the First French Republic Lemoine. A Capuchin friar Michele from Papigno also wrote the life of the Clarissa servant of God Sister Maria Lanceata Morelli.

Papigno: the picturesque hamlet of Terni between history, cinema, and sports.

Economy and events

The film industry is currently one of the key sectors of Papigno's economy, with the Umbria Studios owned by Cinecittà where Roberto Benigni filmed "Life is Beautiful" and "Pinocchio." After the closure of the industrial plants, many solutions have been proposed for the use of the spaces. Papigno also boasts a particular hydroelectric resource, namely the water of the nearby Cascate delle Marmore.

Infrastructure and transport

Papigno is crossed by the state road 209 Valnerina and, in the period between 1901 and 1960, by the Terni-Ferentillo tramway, which allowed the transport of goods and people along the Nera valley.

Monuments and art sites

Among the monuments and art sites of Papigno, we can mention the Church of SS. Annunziata (1276), the Oratory of Sant'Antonio, the Town Hall Palace (XIX century), the Tower of Piazza Di Giuli (XIX century), the Roman-era Bridge of the Bull, Villa Graziani Pressio, where Lord Byron stayed in the early decades of the nineteenth century, and the Cemetery of Papigno.

Sports and sports associations

For sports enthusiasts, Papigno offers many opportunities, including rafting in the nearby Cascate delle Marmore and the GRS Papigno sports association, which plays in the Second Category.


In conclusion, Papigno is a small hamlet that definitely deserves a visit. With its fascinating history, growing film industry, and sports offering, this location will definitely surprise you. Come and discover this gem of the province of Terni.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, May 19, 2022