
Spiano: a fraction with an ancient history and a suggestive name

Spiano is a fraction of the municipality of Teramo, located 11 km from the capital, on a ridge between the valleys of Tordino and Vomano. The name Spiano may derive from the fact that its prominent position allowed to "spy" on the surrounding areas or from the term "Espano" mentioned in a document from 1026. Over the centuries, Spiano had a common fate with the city of Teramo and with Frondarola, the stronghold that the municipality of Teramo acquired together with Spiano in 1470. In 1804, Spiano and Fornarolo formed a University and in 1813, Spiano was incorporated into the municipality of Miano and subsequently into the municipality of Teramo.

The sulphur stream: a unique natural resource

Near Spiano there is the Sulphur Stream, also mentioned by the historian Niccola Palma, which the inhabitants used to obtain sea salt through crystallization. Palma states that around the area there are the relics of a town called "Bagno" and the remains of the church of S. Maria "ad Balneum". The area presumably had sources of sulphurous water that were already used by the ancients.

Spying: history, nature and ancient churches.

The churches of Spiano

In Spiano, several ancient churches can be admired, such as that of S. Maria Assunta, dedicated to the patron saint of the city of Teramo, and that of S. Andrea, attested by the census book of the diocese of Teramo-Atri compiled by mons. Francesco Chiericato in 1529. Today, the church of S. Andrea no longer exists, but its presence is attested by the name of a hamlet to the east of the village, Colle Sant'Andrea, and by the fact that its revenues are annexed to the prepositure of Spiano.

Bibliography: further reading on Spiano

To deepen the knowledge of Spiano and its history, the following texts can be read: "Spiano" by Giulio Di Nicola, published in La Gazzetta di Teramo on May 22, 1977, and "The emigrant returns home. Memories of a disappearing village" by Franco Ariani, edited by Multimedia editions in 2006.

In summary, Spiano is a fraction of the municipality of Teramo rich in history and legends. Its evocative name and the presence of unique natural resources such as the Sulphur Stream make it an ideal destination for those who love to discover the treasures of the past.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, Jan 7, 2023