
Sant'Atto: a small hamlet in Teramo

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about Sant'Atto, a hamlet in Teramo, a small Italian city in the Abruzzo region. Sant'Atto is located just 11 km from the capital city and is situated at an elevation of 243 meters above sea level, with a population of approximately 300 inhabitants. Despite being a small hamlet, it has a very interesting history and is beloved by its residents.


The Benedictine monastery of San Nicolò in Tordino, founded in 1004, had Attone as its first abbot or prior. It was very important to the faithful, especially on Pentecost days, when they went on pilgrimage to his tomb and drank the water that dripped from the ceiling above the sarcophagus. Today, Attone's tomb and relics have disappeared, but the feast in his honor is celebrated on November 19 in the cathedral of Teramo and in the parish church (formerly abbey) of Sant'Atto, united since 1477 with the Chapter of the Cathedral. Sant'Atto is also known for being the center of many industries, located in the industrial area of Sant'Atto Piane. There are also several bank branches (Banca di Teramo) and headquarters of Confcommercio.

Sant'Atto: history, sports, and social activities in a small hamlet of Teramo.


Sant'Atto has a strong sporting tradition, in the past it had several soccer and handball teams. H.C. Sant'Atto was the champion of Italy in series C in the 1980s, reaching promotion to series B. Many national and international athletes have played for the team.

Onlus headquarters

Sant'Atto was the location of one of the few hyperbaric centers in Italy, whose activities were coordinated by Professor Pierluigi Data of the University of Chieti. In addition, it is the site of the Rehabilitation and Day Care Center "S. Atto", managed by the Anffas Onlus Foundation of Teramo. The facility, accredited by the Abruzzo Region, helps disabled people improve their quality of life even after very serious pathological events.

Parish church of Santa Croce

The church of Santa Croce is a beautiful village located at 243 meters above sea level, at the gates of Teramo, of which it is a hamlet. The parish church, the Church of Santa Croce, is a modern building built to replace the ancient Abbey of Sant'Atto. It has a pitched roof and a brick façade on which a simple stone portal opens, surmounted by a lunette that bears the image of a Madonna and Child made with ceramic tiles. Higher up, above a triphora, a fake oculus bears the image of Sant'Attone, also in ceramics, the first prior of the nearby Benedictine monastery of San Nicolò in Tordino. On the peak of the roof, an ancient capital decorated with large spiky palm leaves, which could date back to the end of the 13th century, was repositioned in view. Leaning against the left wall is a towering bell tower that houses a bell.

In a few words, Sant'Atto is a small hamlet in Teramo but has many interesting things to offer. The calm and familiar atmosphere makes it a pleasant place to live and spend time. If you happen to be near Teramo, don't hesitate to stop by Sant'Atto to discover its beauty!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, Jan 7, 2023