
Welcome to Frondarola!

Hello everyone, friends! Today, I will talk to you about Frondarola, a charming hamlet of Teramo. Frondarola is just 6 km from the capital, at an altitude of 483 m above sea level, and has about 600 inhabitants. But let's go step by step and discover together what makes this place so special.

Physical geography

Frondarola is located on the watershed between the Vomano and Tordino valleys, with a view of the Gran Sasso d'Italia mountain range, the Laga Mountains, and the hills of Pescara and Ascoli Piceno provinces. Its hilly position makes it a privileged observation point on the province of Teramo, offering a breathtaking panorama.

Frondarola: History, Natural Beauty, and Porchetta!


The history of Frondarola dates back to the Roman period, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds in the area. But it is from the following centuries that its identity begins to take shape. The first official document mentioning its existence dates back to 1076 when Count Trasmondo di Sifredo donated the village to the Abruzzo Church of Teramo. Over the centuries, the hamlet has undergone various dominations and changes of hands, among local and not only noble families. In 1371, for example, Matteo di Roberto built the castle (or fortress) that would later host people hostile to Teramo during a skirmish in 1459, during which the castle was taken and largely destroyed. In 1505, Frondarola definitively returned under the control of Teramo, along with twenty-seven other hamlets. The remains of the castle were still visible until the first half of the twentieth century when the stonework was used for the restoration of the parish church and other houses in the village.

Places of interest

Frondarola is not only a place rich in history, but also in charm and natural beauty. The village houses the Church of San Giovanni Battista, in Baroque style and with a beautiful bulbous bell tower, which houses precious sacral works of art. Moreover, the surrounding territory is ideal for excursions, walks in the countryside, and bike rides, thanks to the presence of numerous paths and naturalistic itineraries.

Events and traditions

Frondarola is a small village with a great soul and a strong sense of community. Every year, on the occasion of the patron saint's feast of San Giovanni Battista (June 24), there is a solemn procession accompanied by the brass band, during which the statue of the saint is carried on the shoulders through the streets of the village. Moreover, in August, the Porchetta Festival is held, one of the local gastronomic delights, accompanied by music and dancing.

What to taste in Frondarola

If you have the opportunity to visit Frondarola, you cannot miss the Porchetta Festival! The porchetta of Frondarola is an absolute delicacy, characterized by a particular marinade and slow and constant firewood cooking. Served hot, with its irresistible aroma, it is ideal for tasting the true flavor of local culinary tradition.


And here our journey to discover Frondarola comes to an end! A place that, despite its small size, manages to conquer every visitor with its history, natural beauty, traditions, and gastronomic delights. So, what are you waiting for? Come and discover Frondarola in person!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, Jan 7, 2023