
Tenna: a gem among the lakes of Trentino

Tenna is a small municipality with 1,052 inhabitants located between the lakes of Levico and Caldonazzo, in Valsugana, in the autonomous province of Trento. The village is situated on a hill of the same name, which separates the two bodies of water, and is rich in stories and legends embedded in its monumental heritage and lush nature. Let's discover its secrets together.

Physical geography: the hill of Tenna

The hill of Tenna is one of the most picturesque viewpoints in the area, as well as a strategic observation point to admire the two lakes below. Already in prehistoric times, this hill was frequented by the local population, as evidenced by the archaeological evidence found in the Castelar area and in Alberè. In medieval times, the hill hosted a castle or a fortified house of the Brenta lords, while in Roman times, coins and milestone slabs were found suggesting the presence of the "via Altinum-Tridentum."

Tenna: Historical and Natural Treasure among the Lakes of Trentino.

History: Tenna through the centuries

Tenna has a long and varied history, which dates back to Roman times and continues to this day. The village has undergone several transformations over the years, culminating in the extension of the settlement on the undulating plateau and on the shore of Lake Caldonazzo after World War II. Despite this, Tenna has preserved its natural and architectural beauty intact, nurturing the memory of its inhabitants and visitors who love to get lost in its streets.

Monuments and places of interest: the beauty of Tenna

Tenna is a treasure of art and culture, with numerous monuments and places of interest that make it an unmissable destination for those who love to discover local history and tradition. Among the religious architectures, the parish church of the Assumption stands out, built in the 18th century and equipped with three naves adorned with stuccoes and marble altars. Inside is preserved the "Annunciation altarpiece," a valuable work of art that tells the biblical story of the Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary the birth of the Son of God. Not less interesting is the votive chapel of Santa Maria and San Rocco, built as a sign of devotion during the cholera epidemic of 1855. Among the military architectures, finally, the Tenna Fort is worth mentioning, an Austro-Hungarian construction that represents a piece of history of the First World War.

Natural areas: the lush nature of Tenna

Tenna is also known for its natural beauties, which can be admired along the six pedestrian paths called "The Gnomes' Trail." These paths wind through the woods of the hill of Tenna and its valleys, offering breathtaking views and glimpses of unspoiled nature. Among the paths not to be missed are "Part dei boschi," which winds for 6 km with a height difference of 150 meters, and "Biotopo Pizé - Val de l'Orco," 4.4 km long with a height difference of 150 meters. Even other excursions are pleasant and suitable for all levels of physical preparation.

Therefore, Tenna is an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation, history, nature and tradition, with a guarantee of always finding something new and exciting. Come and discover this hidden gem among the lakes of Trentino and be enchanted by its timeless beauty.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Jan 26, 2023