Teglio Veneto

Teglio Veneto: The History of a Municipality in Veneto

Teglio Veneto, known as "Tei" in Friulian and "Tejo" in Venetian language, is a municipality in the metropolitan city of Venice in Veneto, with a population of approximately 2250 residents.

The etymology of the name probably derives from the lime tree, a tree that was once very widespread in the area. The historical origins of Teglio Venetto are not entirely clear, but there are several theories regarding it. Some scholars believed that the locality was the home of woodworkers, while others claimed that the land was divided into plots to be given to Roman soldiers at the end of their careers.

The first official mentions of Teglio Veneto date back to the papal bull granted by Urban III to the bishop of Concordia Sagittaria Gionata in the year 1186/1187. The only church in the village at the time, dedicated to Saint George the Martyr, was likely of early medieval foundation. Despite being defined as a "pieve" (a rural church district) at the end of the 12th century, the village must have already been highly developed. In fact, archaeological findings suggest that the settlement was already present in the early centuries of the Christian era.

Teglio Veneto: history, culture and monuments of a Venetian municipality


Demographic Evolution

Teglio Veneto's population consists of about 2250 inhabitants, of which 6.48% are foreigners.

Ethnic Groups and Foreign Minorities

Foreigners residing in the municipality are mainly of Romanian and Moroccan nationality.

Languages and Dialects

In Teglio Veneto, Italian, Friulian, and Venetian dialects are spoken. On December 21, 2006, the Provincial Council of Venice recognized and officially protected Friulian as a minority and historical language, and the municipality can therefore be included in the list of Italian municipalities where Friulian is spoken, for the purposes of the application of Law 482/99.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Teglio Veneto hosts several churches and monuments of historical and artistic interest. Among these are the church of Saint George the Martyr, built in the 19th century, and the parish church of Saint John the Baptist in Cintello.


The municipality of Teglio Veneto has had several mayors over the years. The first mayor was Antonio Battiston of the Italian Socialist Party, elected in 1946. The current mayor is Oscar Cicuto of the Democratic Party of the Left, elected in 2019.

In 2006, a referendum was held to ask the population if they were in favor of the aggregation of the municipality to the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The referendum was held simultaneously with the neighboring municipalities of Pramaggiore, Cinto Caomaggiore, and Gruaro.


In summary, Teglio Veneto is a municipality in Veneto with a population of approximately 2250 residents. The historical origins of the locality are still uncertain, but the first official references date back to the papal bull granted by Urban III to the bishop of Concordia Sagittaria Gionata in the year 1186/1187. The population of Teglio Veneto speaks several languages, including Italian, Friulian, and Venetian dialects. The municipality hosts several churches and monuments of historical and artistic interest, such as the church of Saint George the Martyr and the parish church of Saint John the Baptist in Cintello. Finally, the municipality of Teglio Veneto has had several mayors over the years, the most recent of which is Oscar Cicuto.

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022