Prato Perillo

Welcome to Prato Perillo, the most populous hamlet of Teggiano!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Prato Perillo, a beautiful hamlet located in the province of Salerno, near the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park. If you're interested in discovering more about this area, then you're in the right place!

The history of Prato Perillo

The area where Prato Perillo stands used to be a swamp that was reclaimed during Roman times and in the 18th century. However, even in recent times, the area has been subject to small floods. Nonetheless, Prato Perillo is one of the most populous hamlets in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano area, thanks to the demographic growth it experienced mainly during the mid-20th century.

Discover Prato Perillo, the beautiful hamlet in the Vallo di Diano.

The physical geography of Prato Perillo


Prato Perillo is located in the center of Vallo di Diano, on the Teggiano-Polla provincial road, about 2 km from Teggiano, at the foot of the hill where the town stands. The hamlet is bounded to the north by the Buco stream (a tributary of the Tanagro) and features several small canalizations, the result of the reclamation work. It is 6 km from San Rufo, 3 km from its hamlet Fontana Vaglio, 9 km from San Pietro al Tanagro, 11 km from Sant'Arsenio, 10 km from Sala Consilina and Atena Lucana, 20 km from Polla, and about 80 km from Salerno.


The village expands with a typical squared urban layout of the reclaimed urban centers, also touching the urbanized area of neighboring Teggiano hamlets such as Facofano, Piedimonte, San Marco, Pantano, and Macchiaroli. Prato Perillo is made up of districts that branch off from the center, such as Perillo, Prato, Matina IV, Giravolte, Ischia, and Varco della Calce.


Please note that Prato Perillo is located near the Sassano-Teggiano station and the Foce Sele-Tanagro Natural Reserve. In addition, it is part of the Vallo di Diano Mountain Community.

Related pages

If you're interested in discovering more about this area, we suggest you take a look at the different related pages, such as the Sassano-Teggiano station, the Vallo di Diano Mountain Community, and the Foce Sele-Tanagro Natural Reserve.

External links

Finally, for more information about the area, you can visit the website of the municipality of Teggiano.

We hope that this information has been useful to you in discovering more about Prato Perillo and the wonders of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano area. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Apr 23, 2022