
Welcome to Teggiano: the Lucanian Pearl

If you are looking for an authentic place in the heart of Campania, Teggiano is the right place for you! This municipality of 7,555 inhabitants, located in the province of Salerno, offers a unique experience thanks to its history, culture and breathtaking scenery.

Teggiano: discover the Lucanian pearl!

Overview of the Territory

The Historic Center

The historic center of Teggiano is one of the treasures of the city. Located on an isolated hill in the Vallo di Diano, it consists of an ancient medieval village and houses and land on the slopes of the hill. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is protected by the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park.

The hamlets of Teggiano

Around the hill where the historic center is located, you'll find the other hamlets of the municipality: Piedimonte, Prato Perillo, San Marco and Pantano. Each hamlet has its own identity and characteristics, but all are united by the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

The territory

With its 61.59 km², the territory of Teggiano is divided in half between a flat area and a hilly-mountainous area. The town of Teggiano stands at 637 meters on a spur of Mount Serra di Campo Soprano (1,446 meters), in the historic region of Lucania.

Life in the Municipality of Teggiano

The climate

The climate of Teggiano is typical of the area, with sunny, dry and windy summers. This makes summer the perfect time to explore the city, but be prepared for a strong temperature change, especially at sunset.

The history of Teggiano

Teggiano has a rich and interesting history. According to historian Luca Mandelli, the founding of the village happened thanks to the settlers of the Greek city of Tegea. The latest hypothesis is that Teggiano was founded by the Oscan-Samnite peoples expelled from their lands following the expansion of the Etruscan civilization.

During the Italic period, Teggiano played a leading role both within the twelve Lucanian federated cities and during the social wars. As a testimony to those periods, there are countless historical artifacts made up of classical fragments of both religious and civil architecture, currently scattered everywhere along the streets of the historic center.

Modern life in Teggiano

Teggiano is a perfect place for those seeking beauty and tranquility. The city has been recognized by Ficlu as a UNESCO Club for its historic center and the Vallo di Diano, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This means that the city and its landscape are protected, guaranteeing residents a life in harmony with nature.


Teggiano is a treasure in the province of Salerno, and offers a beauty beyond words. With its breathtaking landscape, fascinating history, and welcoming residents, the city will conquer your heart.

Come visit us in Teggiano, you will be welcome!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Apr 23, 2022