
Welcome to Teana: History and Geography of a Small Italian Village

Welcome to Teana, a small Italian municipality with 533 inhabitants located in the province of Potenza and nestled in the scenic Pollino National Park. The city has ancient origins dating back to the Magna Graecia period and, according to legend, owes its name to the wife of the famous philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, Tal Tegana, who used to spend her summers there.

Physical Geography

Teana is located at an altitude of 806 meters above sea level, between the Caramola and Volturino mountains. The city is crossed by the Serrapotamo river and borders the municipalities of Calvera, Carbone, Castronuovo di Sant'Andrea, Chiaromonte, and Fardella.

Teana: history, geography and beauty of Pollino


The climate of Teana is Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and cold and humid winters.


The origin of Teana is uncertain, but some scholars hypothesize that the village was founded by Greek colonists and used as a summer residence for the religious-philosophical school of Pythagoras. Over the centuries, the city has had various denominations, but its current name may be a deformation of the name of the famous philosopher's wife.

During the Lombard period, Teana became an important urban center thanks to the construction of a fortress and the establishment of a Gastaldato. In the 10th-11th century, the Basilian monks founded a spiritual and religious unit of the population of the territory and established a new monastic Eparchy in the Sinni valley, that of Latiniano. Teana may have played an important role in Latiniano, as two monasteries were erected there that were dependent on the large monastery of Carbone. In 1343, Eufrasia brought the city as a dowry to Giacomo di Missanello, who held it as a fiefdom of the Sanseverino family of Bisignano.

Teana reached its historical peak in 1561 with 2604 inhabitants, but then underwent a sharp demographic decline due to famine, epidemics, the black plague, and earthquakes. In 1690, some inhabitants decided to take refuge in the lands of the Prince of Bisignano, where they founded the new village of Fardella due to the abuses and oppression of the Marquis Missanello.

Later, the population grew and today Teana is a welcoming and hospitable city, famous for its natural and cultural beauties.

What to see in Teana

Despite its small size, Teana has a lot to offer visitors. Among its places of interest are the ruins of the fortress, a testament to its Lombard importance, and the four churches and six chapels in the city center.

Furthermore, Teana is located in the Pollino National Park, which makes it ideal for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. The park offers a wide range of activities, including hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and rafting, and also hosts numerous unique animal and plant species.

Finally, the city is an excellent starting point for visiting nearby cities such as Potenza, Matera, and the Ionian Sea.


Teana is a small Italian village with an ancient and fascinating history. Its name, geographic location, and climate make it an excellent destination for those seeking a quiet vacation amidst nature and culture. If you plan to visit Basilicata, don't forget to stop in Teana to discover its hidden treasures and appreciate the hospitality of its people.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Jan 23, 2023