Tavernola Bergamasca

Welcome to Tavernola Bergamasca: an overview of the town

Hello everyone, today we will talk about Tavernola Bergamasca, an Italian town located in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy. The town has about 1932 inhabitants and is situated on the western shore of Lake Iseo, about 38 kilometers east of the center of Bergamo. The town overlooks the lake and enjoys a mild climate thanks to the thermoregulatory influence of the lake itself. One can admire the Sanctuary of Ceriola and Mount Guglielmo. To the north, the lake narrows at the foot of Corno Trentapassi, but you can still see the fantastic views of Lovere. To the south, the territory is crossed by Corno di Predore and a gallery that connects Tavernola to the nearby Predore.

Origins and history of the town

The toponym "Tavernola" refers to an old rest stop for travelers called "tabernula." The area had already been occupied by the Romans who built a road that connected the various towns along the coast of the lake and the surrounding hills. At that time, along the lakeside, inns began to activate for travelers, which eventually formed communities and, finally, the town of Tavernola. In the 4th century AD, the territory was Christianized and the ancient pagan temples disappeared, replaced by the first Christian communities.

In the following centuries, the town underwent constant development thanks to its coastal location that favored commercial exchanges. In the Middle Ages, the area was affected by significant urban and building development, which saw the construction of numerous towers and fortifications for defensive purposes. The Fenaroli Tower, now the civic tower and bell tower of the parish church, is an example of this period. In 1047, Tavernola Bergamasca was first officially mentioned.

Tavernola Bergamasca: history and beauty of the municipality on Lake Iseo.

Geography of the town

The morphology of Tavernola Bergamasca is characterized by its overlooking the lake and the presence of hills and mountains behind the town center. The town is crossed by the Rino di Vigolo stream, which divides it from the localities of Tavernola, Bianica, Campodosso, and Gallinarga on one side, and Cambianica on the other. The territory is not very suitable for the construction of new buildings due to the orographic conformation that makes the hills and mountains the predominantly rural part of the town.

What to visit in Tavernola Bergamasca

If you have planned to visit Tavernola Bergamasca, I recommend a walk along the lakefront and beach to enjoy the stunning views of Mount Isola. You may be interested in visiting the Sanctuary of Ceriola, located on the top of the hill west of the town, or the Sarnico Archaeological Museum, where you can admire important artifacts from the area. The Museum and Antique and Traditional Toy Workshop could represent an opportunity for an original visit. For nature enthusiasts, there are also many opportunities for trekking on the mountain trails around the town, such as Mount Guglielmo or Mount Bronzone.


Tavernola Bergamasca is a small town immersed in nature and tranquility, located on the shores of the beautiful Lake Iseo. The surrounding territory, hills, and mountains, allow you to enjoy stunning views and many opportunities for outdoor activities. The history of the town has its roots in Roman times, as evidenced by archaeological finds, while the Middle Ages left numerous architectural testimonies. If you are looking for a relaxing place to enjoy nature and the beauty of the landscape, Tavernola Bergamasca could be right for you.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Dec 11, 2022