
Tarsia: a town in the province of Cosenza in Calabria

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Tarsia, a town in the province of Cosenza in Calabria, located in the lower valley of the Crati river. With only 1983 inhabitants, Tarsia is a small agricultural center that sits on a spur to the left of the valley, occupied by an artificial basin for irrigation of the plain of Sibari.

Tarsia: small agricultural center in Calabria.

Physical geography


The geographical peculiarity of Tarsia is that it is located at the point where the Crati river opens the way to the plain of Sibari, crossing a deep gorge between the Serre di Spezzano and the extreme outcroppings of the Sila.


The name Tarsia derives from ancient Greek: it actually comes from a personal name, "Tharsias", Θαρσίας.


The origins of the village are not clear, but we know that until 1606 it was a pertinence of the State of Bisignano, and then it was enfeoffed to the Spinelli, who had the title of prince until the abolition of feudalism. The anatomist and surgeon Marco Aurelio Severino (1580-1656) was born here.

Tarsia is also known for the Ferramonti di Tarsia Internment Camp, the largest fascist concentration camp in Italy during World War II. Here were mainly interned foreign Jews and ethnic minorities considered enemies by the fascist regime, such as Slavs, Greeks, and Chinese. The camp was liberated by the British on September 14, 1943.


The main economic activity in Tarsia is livestock farming, which gives rise to a thriving market. In addition, the village produces fruits, cereals, and olives.


Demographic evolution

The population of Tarsia has always been modest, and today the town has only 1983 inhabitants.


Since 1990, Tarsia has been governed by local administrations composed of candidates elected from civic lists.

See also

If you are in the area, I recommend visiting the Tarsia Nature Reserve, Lake Tarsia, and Tarsia Station. In addition, you can find further information on the Ferramonti di Tarsia Internment Camp on the camp's institutional website and the Ferramonti di Tarsia Museum.

External links

Institutional website of the Ferramonti di Tarsia Camp and Museum.

I hope you enjoyed this article and have provided you with all the information you were looking for about Tarsia. If you have any questions or curiosities, write them in the comments!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Friday, Jan 13, 2023