
Welcome to Tarano: Introduction to the town

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Tarano, a town in Lazio located in the province of Rieti. About 1387 inhabitants live here and the historic center rises 234 meters above sea level. The territory of Tarano is between Lazio and Umbria, on a fluvial terrace of Pleistocene geological origin. This small town is located between the Campana stream and one of its tributaries, and is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes.

Tarano: a small municipality located between Lazio and Umbria.

Physical Geography


Tarano is located on the rural road that connects the town directly to the Tiber Valley, and furthermore, in the fraction of San Polo (Tarano) or the Aia stream. The territory of the municipality of Tarano is very interesting and offers many opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts.


The climate of Tarano is classified as zone D, 1879 GR/G. Summer can be very hot, and it would be best to visit the town during spring or autumn.


Tarano has an ancient and interesting history. In the fourteenth century, the population joined the revolts promoted by Cola di Rienzo to claim the rights of the Communal Age against the abuses of the barons. The town also suffered damage during the Marsica earthquake of 1915, and the displaced people were hosted in wooden barracks in the areas that later became the hamlets of San Giorgio and Borgonuovo.

However, the most tragic moment in Tarano's history was during World War II, when a farmer residing in Fianello was killed by the Nazis along with his animals at the ford of the Campana stream. Truly a black page in history.


The coat of arms of the municipality of Tarano, granted by decree of the President of the Republic on October 1, 2020, is very interesting, as is the gonfalon, composed of a white flag, bordered in red.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Tarano is a very interesting municipality from a historical-architectural point of view. The historic centers of Tarano and San Polo definitely deserve a visit, as does the beautiful Via Campana.


Demographic Evolution

The number of inhabitants in Tarano has always been relatively low but constant in recent years.


Tarano is part of the province of Rieti and over the years has undergone several administrative changes, moving from the province of Perugia in Umbria, to the province of Rome in Lazio, to becoming part of the province of Rieti in 1927.


Tarano is a municipality that offers many opportunities for nature and history lovers. The population is welcoming and ready to welcome tourists.

Related articles

If you are a history and culture lover, I recommend visiting the Tiber Valley, a very interesting area from a tourist point of view.

External links

If you want to know more about Tarano, I recommend visiting the town's website, where you can find all the information you are looking for.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Tuesday, Apr 12, 2022