
Welcome to Tambre: a small community in the midst of the Belluno Prealps

If you're passionate about mountains, nature, and history, Tambre is the place for you. With a population of approximately 1,300 people, this small community is located in the Alpago basin, at the foot of Mount Cavallo and just a few kilometers from Lake Santa Croce. The area is characterized by forests, meadows, and pastures, offering many opportunities for trekking, horseback riding, mountain biking, or simply enjoying the peace and tranquility of the mountains.

Physical Geography: between the Belluno Prealps and the Cansiglio forest

Tambre is situated at an altitude of 922 meters above sea level between the Belluno Prealps and the Cansiglio forest. This partly hilly and partly mountainous area is predominantly covered by forests and meadows, providing an untouched and suggestive environment ideal for those seeking a break from city life.

Tambre: nature, history, and pastoralism among the Belluno Prealps.

Origin of the name: the history of sheep farming

The name Tambre derives from the word ''"tàmar"-"tàmber"'', an ancient local dialect word that meant the enclosure where sheep were kept overnight. This name indicates the strong pastoral tradition of the Tambre community, which has always been dedicated to breeding the exquisite Alpago lamb.

History: the Cansiglio forest and the noble Fullini family

The history of Tambre is closely related to the nearby Cansiglio forest, also known as the "Bosco dei Dogi" or "della Serenissima", which for centuries served as the wood reserve of the Venetian Republic. The Tambre community has always had a strong connection to the forest, which represented a source of livelihood for sheep farming and for the local woodworking.

Furthermore, the history of the Tambre community is linked to the noble Fullini family of Polcenigo, who originated from Tambre. One branch of the Fullini family moved to the Friulian plain in the 16th century and, having become wealthy through trade and craftsmanship, obtained the title of Count from the Venetian Republic, which they held until the end of the 19th century.

Symbols: the coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Tambre

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Tambre were granted by presidential decree on January 17, 1991. The flag is a split flag of blue and yellow.

Monuments and places of interest: the Church of Saints Ermacora and Fortunato

One of the most important monuments in Tambre is the Church of Saints Ermacora and Fortunato, a valuable 19th-century building dedicated to the Aquileian martyrs and evangelizers of the Alpago. This church preserves many noteworthy works of art, including a Stations of the Cross painted by the Belluno artist Paolo De Filippi, an ancient wooden statue of Mary, and a tabernacle that belonged to the previous church destroyed by an avalanche in the early 19th century.

In conclusion, Tambre is a small but enchanting mountain village offering an authentic and immersive experience in the nature and history of the area. Here, you can savor delicious food and local traditions, embark on breathtaking excursions, rest in a peaceful and relaxing environment, and learn much about the history and life of this fascinating community. We look forward to welcoming you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Oct 21, 2022