Taibon Agordino

Life in Taibon Agordino

Located in the beautiful Conca Agordina, Taibon Agordino is a small community of only 1730 inhabitants. Life here is quiet, surrounded by unspoiled nature and the beauty of the Dolomites. Most of the inhabitants dedicate themselves to agriculture and animal husbandry, keeping alive the old crafts and traditions of the area. The community is united and welcoming, with a strong sense of belonging to their land and their roots.

Natural Beauty

Taibon Agordino is surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery, with the majestic Pale di San Martino and the Civetta-Moiazza group in the background. The imposing peaks of Pale di San Lucano and Monte Agner emerge from enormous canyons and ravines that characterize the area. The Valley of San Lucano, where the impressive rock arch "El Cor" is located, is a must-see for hikers and nature lovers. There are also waterfalls, such as Inferno or Pont, which become even more spectacular when they are completely frozen in winter.

Taibon Agordino: life, nature, and traditions in the Dolomites.


Taibon Agordino's location, at the confluence of the Tegnas and Cordevole streams, makes it particularly rich in water. The Valleys of San Lucano and Angheraz are fed by the Tegnas, which flows peacefully along its course. The Val Bordina instead winds its way up to the alpine pastures, forming cascade after cascade. The Val Corpassa, located in the eastern part of the municipality, collects water from the glacial and snowy cirques of the Monte Civetta group.


Despite the climate having changed a lot in recent years, Taibon Agordino still hosts two active glaciers. These are precious and fragile glacial bodies that must be protected and carefully monitored to preserve their beauty and ecological importance.

Events and Traditions

Life in Taibon Agordino is marked by many festivals and traditions, representing the most important moment of community life. The Carnival of Taibon is one of the most anticipated events of the year, with masks and parades involving both young and old. The Feast of San Rocco, during which the statue of the Saint is carried in procession through the town, is another important occasion for celebration and prayer. During the summer, many festivals are held celebrating local specialty products, such as the Potato Festival or the Cheese Festival.


Taibon Agordino is a hidden gem among the Dolomites, a place where nature, tradition, and community meet in their most authentic beauty. Life here is quiet, but there are never any shortage of occasions for celebration and fun. Those who choose Taibon Agordino as a destination for their holidays will be amazed by the beauty and genuineness of the place.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Jan 31, 2022