Tagliolo Monferrato

Discovering Tagliolo Monferrato: a historically and culturally rich town

Tagliolo Monferrato, also known as Taieu in Ligurian and Piedmontese, is a town located in the Alto Monferrato region of Piedmont, specifically in the province of Alessandria. The town has a population of 1533 inhabitants and is one of the gems of the Ovadese, a historical and cultural area of the Lower Piedmont and Monferrato regions, named after the city of Ovada. Part of Tagliolo Monferrato's territory is within the Marcarolo Capanne Natural Park, a nature reserve that offers some of the most beautiful panoramic views in the area.

History of Tagliolo Monferrato

The name Tagliolo Monferrato dates back to the Longobard period, when the monks of San Colombano from the nearby monastery of Belforte Monferrato, known at the time as "Uxecium," operated there. In 976, Emperor Otto I granted Tagliolo Monferrato to the House of Aleramici. The town then passed through various feudal lords including Malaspina, Cattaneo, Gli Spinola, the Doria, and the Del Bosco. During the Middle Ages, it hosted the women's monastery of Santa Maria di Bano, whose remains are still visible on Mount Colma, in the namesake location. Conquered by the military leader of the Republic of Genoa, Egidio di Negro, during Genoa's expansion into the Oltregiogo, Tagliolo Monferrato entered the orbit of the Duchy of Milan and was given in fief to the Gentile family. In 1750, following the marriage of Teresa Gentile to Costantino Pinelli, the fief passed to the Pinelli Gentile family, the current owner of the castle.

Tagliolo Monferrato: historical and natural treasures in Piedmont.


The coat of arms and the flag of the Municipality of Tagliolo Monferrato were given by decree of the President of the Republic on March 1, 1955.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The Castle of Tagliolo Monferrato is one of the city's treasures. The building is still owned by the Marquises Pinelli Gentile, the family that owns the castle. The Castle of Tagliolo Monferrato is one of the best-preserved in the entire Monferrato region and offers a unique and breathtaking experience to visitors. The Castle of Tagliolo Monferrato was built around the year 1000 and is located on a dominant position amidst the vineyards. A panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes can be admired from the square base tower, the oldest part of the castle. Inside the castle, visitors can tour the cellars where local wines are produced and stored.


The population of Tagliolo Monferrato has grown over the years. Recent statistics show that the number of inhabitants in the area has increased compared to the past. Tagliolo Monferrato also has some unique traditions and folklore, such as the Gran Palio del Monferrato, held on August 16 and dedicated to San Rocco, with a stockfish throwing contest, a tradition deeply rooted in the area. During the festival, local dishes such as farinata and Dolcetto d'Ovada wine are served.

Every two years, the medieval festival "Le Storie del Vino" is celebrated, offering historic costumes, flag-wavers, and duels for an unforgettable experience.

Infrastructure and Transport

Tagliolo Monferrato is reachable by bus services managed by the company SAAMO. In the past, there was a stop of the Novi Ligure-Ovada tramway that served the town, but services ceased in 1953.


The Municipality of Tagliolo Monferrato has had different administrations over the years.

Gallery of Images

The Image Gallery shows many historical sites and natural beauties of Tagliolo Monferrato.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Feb 3, 2023