
Discovering Tremonti: the Abruzzo village

If you are looking for a peaceful place to spend a few days relaxing, without giving up the beauty of the mountain landscape, then you absolutely must know Tremonti, a small hamlet of the municipality of Tagliacozzo, in Abruzzo. With its few dozen inhabitants and its position nestled between the Apennine mountains, Tremonti is the ideal place to regenerate mind and body.

Tremonti: among the Abruzzo mountains

Physical Geography


Located at an altitude of 1060 meters, the village is located at the foot of Mount Pietra Pizzuta and surrounded by the mountains Monte Bove and Palombara, part of the mountain group of the Carseolani Mountains. The medieval castle, now in ruins, dominates the underlying valleys of the Palentini plains, the Macina valley, the Pantano valley, and that of Pratolungo. The territory is crossed by the Roman road Via Tiburtina Valeria, which connected Rome to Aternum passing through the ancient cities of Tibur, Carsioli, Alba Fucens, and Corfinium. Tremonti borders to the north with the regional nature reserve Grotte di Luppa, to the north-northwest with the municipality of Carsoli, to the south with the hamlet of Roccacerro, and to the east with San Giovanni.

Geological History

The geographical position of Tremonti is influenced by its geological history. The Apennine mountain range is the result of the collision between the African plate and the European plate, which caused the formation of folds and detachment zones. In particular, the mountain group of the Carseolani Mountains, to which the mountains of Tremonti also belong, is made up of sedimentary and volcanic rocks that formed during the Neogene, between 23 and 2.6 million years ago.

Origins of the Name

The name Tremonti first appears in the Catalogus baronum of the twelfth century with the name "Entremontibus" or "Tremontibus in Marsi". Later, it was called "Collis Intermontis", "Inter Montes", "Intromonti", "Intramonti", "Tra monti" or "Tremonte". The toponym refers to the position of the village, located between the mountains.


Tremonti dates back to the era of medieval castling, when the walls of the fortress were erected, completed between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries by the Orsini family. The castle of Tremonti, located in a strategic position and in visual contact with other military structures such as those of Roccacerro and Pagliara dei Marsi, played a defensive role and control of the Marsican borders between the Kingdom of Naples and the Papal State. In the Late Middle Ages, the village was ruled by various feudal lords, including Teodino of the De Ponte family and the Orsini. In the fourteenth century, the lordship passed to the Colonna family, which maintained possession of the duchy of Tagliacozzo and the county of Albe for more than three centuries. In 1674, the first census of Tremonti was drawn up and, subsequently, the village was included in the municipal territory of Tagliacozzo following the elimination of feudalism laws.

In summary, Tremonti is a small medieval village located at the foot of Mount Pietra Pizzuta, surrounded by mountains and crossed by the Roman road Via Tiburtina Valeria. The medieval castle, now in ruins, testifies to its ancient history as a defensive place and control over the Marsican borders. The toponym, which refers to the position of the village between the mountains, is present in historical and ecclesiastical documents with different names. Today, Tremonti is a hamlet of the municipality of Tagliacozzo, an ideal place for those seeking peace and beauty of the mountain landscape.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022