San Donato

Physical geography

San Donato is a small hamlet belonging to the municipality of Tagliacozzo, located in Abruzzo. The population of the village is about 200 inhabitants and its altitude is 955 meters above sea level. The hamlet is located on the slopes of Mount La Forcella and borders the villages of Gallo and Poggio Filippo, included in the municipal territory of Tagliacozzo, while to the north the center of Scanzano marks the border with the neighboring municipality of Sante Marie. San Donato is a true gem set in the western Marsica and is only 3.5 kilometers from the municipal capital.


San Donato has a very ancient history, dating back to the Italic era. The territory where the hamlet was located was dominated by the Oppidum of Castiglione, located on the homonymous mountain close to the contemporary hamlets of San Donato and Poggio Filippo, and fell within the Equi territory not far from the border with that of the Marsi. In medieval times, the hamlet was the scene of numerous historical events related to the struggles between the various fiefs in the area. However, the name of San Donato is mainly linked to the church built by the monks of the Order of Saint Benedict after the looting and destruction of the neighboring villages of Sant'Andrea and San Nicola Tibulario, which took place in the 9th century by the Saracens.

San Donato: history, art, and nature in the heart of Abruzzo.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architectures

The church of Sant'Erasmo is one of the most important in the hamlet. Mentioned as an ecclesiastical asset of "Sancti Erasmi in Pomperano" around the X century, the building was built in the following century and in the papal bull of 1115 by Pope Pasquale II it is mentioned as "Sancti Erasmi in Castro Sancti Donati". The interior of the church is very suggestive and preserves numerous works of art and great historical value.

Tourist attractions

San Donato is an ideal place for nature lovers and outdoor activities. Trekking enthusiasts can enjoy beautiful natural landscapes through well-marked paths. In addition, the hamlet is the ideal starting point for excursions to discover the neighboring hamlets and to visit the historical and cultural places of interest in the area, such as the castle of Pomperano.


San Donato is an enchanting hamlet located in the heart of Abruzzo. Its millenary history and its monuments make it an ideal place for lovers of culture and history. Furthermore, the lush nature that surrounds it and the numerous outdoor activities that can be practiced make it an ideal tourist destination for all those who love to spend their holidays immersed in the beauty of nature and exploring fascinating places rich in history.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022