Poggio Filippo

Discover Poggio Filippo: a small Abruzzo hamlet!

If you are looking for a peaceful place to spend a few days immersed in nature, Poggio Filippo could be an interesting destination to consider. Located in the municipality of Tagliacozzo, in the province of Aquila, this hamlet has about 150 inhabitants and is located on a hill of Mount San Nicola, at an altitude of 1055 meters.

Physical geography

The territory of Poggio Filippo extends between the Palentini plains and the western Marsica, dominated to the northeast by the peaks of Mount Velino. It borders to the south-southwest with the localities of Sorbo (Tagliacozzo), Camerata and Colle San Giacomo, while to the north is the village of San Donato (Tagliacozzo). Despite its remote location, the hamlet is still well connected to the municipal capital, distant only 4.5 kilometers.

Poggio Filippo: an Abruzzese village between nature and history

Origins of the name

The original village is mentioned in historical documents with the name "Podium," but over time it acquired the name "Podium de Sancto Ausino" in honor of a church dedicated to Saint Anzino. The toponym has been transcribed in various ways by historical authors, such as "Poggio Sant'Anzino" or "Poggio Sant'Anso." Later, with the advent of the Crown of Aragon, the village took on the specification "Filippo," from the name of the feudal lord of the castle-enclosure.


Poggio Filippo has a millennial history. On a hill of Mount Castiglione, located between the contemporary hamlets of San Donato (Tagliacozzo) and Poggio Filippo, a fortified center was built in Italic times, at an altitude of 1028 meters, in a strategic position on the border between the Equi and the Marsi. During the Middle Ages, the village developed around the castle-enclosure that dated back to between the 10th and 12th centuries, which recognized the dominance of the Orsini, as happened throughout the territory of the County of Albe.

In the late fifteenth century, the village, which was also mentioned with the toponyms of "Podium Philippi" or "Poggio San Filippo," followed the fate of the duchy of Tagliacozzo, in which there was a succession to power by the Colonna family. The local universitas maintained autonomy until the Abolition of feudalism laws and in 1811 was included in the district and municipality of Tagliacozzo.

The earthquake in the Marsica of 1915 caused numerous casualties and serious damage to the architectural heritage. However, the village managed to recover and rebuild much of its historical heritage.

The revolt of 1922

On September 29, 1922, Poggio Filippo and the neighboring hamlets of Tagliacozzo rebelled against the administrators of the municipal capital. The small centers accused each other of being neglected and abandoned, without electricity and adequate services. This sparked a real revolt, which led to about sixty arrests. However, within a few months, Poggio Filippo, San Donato, and the surrounding villages were provided with all the necessary services, and the old mule track was built to connect them with the city of Tagliacozzo.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its small size, Poggio Filippo offers several attractions from an architectural and landscape point of view.

Religious architectures

The church of Sant'Ansuino is the parish church of the village and was built in the second half of the eighteenth century. Equipped with three aisles, it is located in the upper part of the village and is flanked by a square-based bell tower. In the past, the church was also called Sant'Anzuino, according to some historical documents.

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is another place of worship present in Poggio Filippo. Rectangular in shape, it was probably built before the eighteenth century.

Civil architecture

Another attraction of the village is the ruins of the dovecote tower, a building from the Middle Ages.


This small mountain village offers a suggestive and peaceful atmosphere, immersed in nature and enriched by a millennial history. If you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Abruzzo's scenery, Poggio Filippo could be the ideal destination.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022