
Tadasuni: a small historic town in Sardinia

Hello friends, today we will talk about Tadasuni, a town in the province of Oristano in Sardinia. This small village with a population of only 135 inhabitants boasts an ancient history that dates back to the Neolithic and Nuragic period. Traces of some nuraghi have been found in the region. Tadasuni was once the capital of the curatoria of Guilcier, Ozier Real, and was part of the kingdom of Arborea.

The history of Tadasuni

During the history of the judicate of Sardinia, Sardinia was divided into four autonomous kingdoms, the judicatures. Tadasuni was part of the curatoria of Guilcier, Ozier Real, whose capital was first Abbasanta and then Sedilo. In 1416, all of Gilciber and the territories of the curatoria of Parte Barigadu were granted in fief to Valore di Ligia, an Arborense who had betrayed the judge of Arborea Ugone III during the Sardinian-Catalan War. When Valore and his son Bernardo went to take possession of the fief, they were killed along with their escort by the inhabitants of the two districts. In 1435, the town was granted in fief by King Alfonso V of Aragon ''the Magnanimous'' to Galcerano de Requenses. In 1537, the fief was sold by the Requenses family to the Torresani family, and in 1566 it was elevated to the rank of county confirmed to the same Torreani.

In 1726, with the extinction of the Torresani family, the fief passed to the domain of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1737, the county was elevated to the rank of marquisate and granted to the canon Francesco Solinas. From Solinas, the fiefs passed to the Delitala family, who established their residence in Sedilo. In 1839, the feudal system was abolished and Tadasuni became a free municipality.

Tadasuni: history and monuments of a small municipality in Sardinia.

The symbols of Tadasuni

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality were granted by the decree of the President of the Republic of April 5, 2006. The flag is a red cloth.

The monuments of Tadasuni

The most important architectural space in Tadasuni is the church of San Nicola di Bari, a Catholic church located in the heart of the town. Built in the mid-nineteenth-century in neoclassical style with dark basalts, it has a single nave adorned with an apse and a barrel vault. Inside are a fifteenth-century ''Madonna di Boele'' and some silverware, including a nineteenth-century gold and silver ostensorium. The parish house was the seat of the "Museum of Popular Sardinian Music Instruments" from 1970 until 2009, set up by Father Giovanni Dore, an expert in Sardinian musical traditions.

There are also other churches in the area, such as the church of Santa Croce and the countryside church of San Michele Arcangelo.

Society in Tadasuni

The demographic evolution in Tadasuni is interesting. There are only 135 inhabitants in the municipality, and according to ISTAT data as of December 31, 2010, the resident foreign population was 5 people.

In conclusion, Tadasuni is a common historical experience, anchored to the Nuragic period and the history of the judicate of Sardinia. If you visit Sardinia, Tadasuni is certainly to be included in the list of unmissable places. Thank you for reading this small piece about the wonderful Tadasuni, come back soon to read my next report!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022