
Welcome to Sustinente: a small town with a millenary history

Welcome to Sustinente, a town in the province of Mantua, Lombardy, with only 1941 inhabitants. Despite its small size, this town has a millenary and fascinating history, which has left traces and testimonies in every corner of the territory. In this article, we will talk about the origins of the name Sustinente, its history from the ancient times to the last century, and a gesture of courage and solidarity that took place during World War II.

Origins of the name: a mystery yet to be solved

The etymology of the name of the town, Sustinente, is still a subject of debate among local historians. According to some theories, the name derives from the presence of Roman milestones or an artificial support used to regulate the flow of the waters of the Mincio and Po rivers. Others argue that the name could come from the 700 iugeri of land donated by Countess Matilda of Canossa to the San Benedetto in Polirone Abbey, located on the opposite bank of the Po. For the time being, the mystery of the name Sustinente remains unsolved.

Title: Sustinente: the millennial history of a small Lombard town

History of Sustinente: from ancient times to the last century

The origins of the village of Sustinente date back to the 5th century BC when dams were built to allow the flow of waters in the area. After centuries of absence of written documentation, the town reappears under the reign of the Lombard king Agilulfo in the 7th century AD, and then is mentioned in the 11th century in a transfer of lands by Matilda of Canossa to the Benedictine monks of Polirone. From here on, the village becomes part of the powerful Cavriani family, who built a large castle with thirteen towers adorned with exotic gardens and rich in plants.

In the 14th century, the village passed under the lordship of Guido Gonzaga, and then to his descendants for the following three centuries. In the 18th century, Emperor Joseph II united all the inhabited areas scattered in the area in a single municipality, which took the name of Sustinente.

During World War II, the town was occupied by the Germans, and the Sacchi family protected a young Jew, Moshe Shapiro, hiding him in their farmhouse for months until they transferred him elsewhere to protect him from the dangerous situation.


Sustinente is a town with millenary history, which has managed to preserve the traces of its origins in every corner of the territory. The name of the town is still subject to research by local historians, but the charm of this village is not only linked to the name. Its history, from ancient times to the last century, is made up of events that have left indelible marks in collective memory. And still today, Sustinente continues to be a welcoming and pleasant place to live.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Oct 29, 2022