
Susegana: A Municipality in Veneto

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Susegana, an Italian municipality located in the province of Treviso, in Veneto. The town has about 11,804 inhabitants and is mainly known for the presence of the castle of the Collalto Counts. Here are some details about the geography, history, and cultural heritage of this charming place.

Physical Geography

The territory of Susegana extends over 44 km² and is characterized by a hilly morphology to the north and flat to the south. To the west, the municipality's border largely coincides with the bed of the Piave River, while to the east, it is delimited by the Crevada stream. The capital is crossed by the Rujo stream.

Susegana enjoys a temperate climate, with not too hot summers and mild winters. The city is classified in zone 2 (out of 4) for seismic risk, but there are no reports of recent earthquakes.

Susegana: History, Geography, and Veneto's Cultural Heritage.



Human presence in this area dates back to the recent and final Bronze Age, as evidenced by the artifacts found on the hill of San Salvatore. Other prehistoric settlements have been identified in the Collalto fraction and in the locality "Villa Jacur". The location of the houses near the fords of the Piave River favored trade, from which the etymology of the toponym "Mercatelli" could derive.

Roman Period

In Roman times, the territory of Susegana was crossed by the Claudia Augusta road and a road between Oderzo, Feltre and Trento, which met at the confluence of the Soligo River into the Piave. There are remains of bridges from the period in the "Sant'Anna" area and a ford on the Piave in open countryside. The existence of settlements along the roads is attested by the presence of sculptures of Lari, protective deities of the families, found in the "Barco" area.

From the Middle Ages to the Present Day

In the early Middle Ages, Lombard nuclei settled in the area, which became strategic for its position. The Follina Abbey played an important role in settling the territory, founding hostels and hospitals for pilgrims.

In the twelfth century, the Collalto castle was built on the hill, of the counts of Treviso and possibly of Lombard origin. The legend of Bianca di Collalto tells the tragic story of a young girl who preferred to die rather than marry a man she did not love. In 1312, the counts of Treviso received possession of the homonymous fief from Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg.

During the Napoleonic occupation, the territory of Susegana was included in the municipality of San Salvador, later renamed Susegana in 1806.

Cultural Heritage

The castle of the Collalto Counts is the main tourist attraction of Susegana. Built in the twelfth century, the manor is located on a hill and is surrounded by a large park. Among its rooms, the chapel, the museum rooms, and the lookout tower stand out.

The parish church of San Giovanni Battista is also noteworthy, with its Romanesque bell tower and baroque facade. Inside, there are frescoes, sculptures, and a valuable red Verona marble font.

The Collalto fraction preserves the ruins of the homonymous castle, destroyed by German troops during World War II. In the past, the village was an important commercial and artisanal center, with a glass engraving school.

Finally, the territory of Susegana hosts numerous vineyards, among which the DOCG of Prosecco stands out. Visiting the wineries and tasting the precious wines of the area is an experience you cannot miss.


This is just a brief overview of the history and geography of Susegana, but I hope it is enough to make you want to visit this wonderful Venetian municipality. Susegana is a quiet and welcoming place, rich in artistic and cultural treasures, and is an excellent destination for a food and wine tour in the land of Prosecco.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Jul 24, 2022