
Surano, the town in Lower Salento

Surano is a small town in Lower Salento with just under 1600 inhabitants. Situated between the Supersano hills and the Adriatic coast, the flat territory extends for 8.85 km². The Mediterranean climate makes for mild winters and hot and humid summers.


Surano borders Nociglia to the west and north, Poggiardo to the north, Spongano to the east, and Andrano and Montesano Salentino to the south. The western part of the town is included in the Paduli Park, a rural area characterized by beautiful olive groves and a wide variety of animal and plant species.

Surano: discover the country of the lower Salento.


Reference averages show an average temperature of 9.5°C in the month of January and 32.3°C in August. Annual average precipitation is around 126 mm and shows a minimum in spring-summer and a peak in autumn-winter. Western currents are weak thanks to the presence of Salento hills that create a shielded system.

Origins of the name

The name Surano may derive from the Latin personal name "Surus."


According to medieval and Renaissance sources, the settlement of Surano was known as Sorano. It was only in the 19th-century documents that it took on its current name of Surano.

Despite various suppositions and village stories, there is no definite source on the origins of the town. One of the hypothetical villages, Suranello, was destroyed by the Ostrogoths and may have been the origin of Surano's name.

Some local legends indicate Suranello in different locations, but there is no physical confirmation regarding the position of the village. In any case, Surano has always represented an important cultural and political center in Lower Salento.

Monuments and places of interest

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The main church of Surano is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is built in Baroque style. Inside, there are 18th-century frescoes and 20th-century stained glass windows.

Baronial Palace

The baronial palace is located in the center of the town and is an example of 18th-century architecture. The facade is decorated with a large portal in Lecce stone and a wrought-iron balcony.

Lace Museum

The lace museum is housed in the former convent of the Annunciation and exhibits a vast collection of fine laces, including the famous lace of Oria.


Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15th and is one of the most important celebrations in Surano. Several sports, artistic, and cultural events enliven the town in the days leading up to the festival.

Feast of St. John the Baptist

In honor of St. John the Baptist, on June 24th, Surano celebrates the patron saint with a solemn procession and other activities.

San Martino Fair

The San Martino Fair is held on November 11th and includes an exchange of traditional products, crafts, and the tasting of local specialties.

What to eat

Salento cuisine is known throughout the world for its fish-based dishes and vegetable specialties. In Surano, you can enjoy typical dishes such as pittule, orecchiette with turnip greens, stuffed eggplants and pasticciata.


Surano is a quiet and hospitable town located in a strategic position to visit Salento. The cultural and artistic heritage, traditional events, and typical cuisine make it an ideal destination for those seeking an authentic and rich vacation experience.

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022