
Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Supino, a small Italian town in the province of Frosinone, in Lazio. This delightful town has only 4610 inhabitants, but has a lot to offer anyone who comes to visit. Below I'll tell you a little bit about everything there is to know.

Physical Geography

Supino is located on the slopes of the Monti Lepini, a mountain range that dominates the view from the town. Mount Gemma, which rises to a height of 1457 meters, overlooks the town. Supino overlooks the Valle del Sacco del Sacco (river), a river that crosses many cities in the area. In the municipal area there is also Mount Malaina.

If you are worried about the seismic safety of the place, know that Supino falls into seismic class 2B, as established by the New Seismic Classification of the Lazio Region 2009 by ENEA. As for the climate, Supino is in an area that falls into classification D, with an annual rainfall of about 1906 millimeters.

Origins of the Name

The name "Supino" comes from the Latin adjective "supinus", which means inclined or placed on a slope. This refers to its geographical position on the slopes of the Monti Lepini.

Supino, a treasury of history and art in Lazio.


The era of the first urban settlements in the area is not known with certainty, but it is thought that Supino was founded by refugees who fled from the destruction of Ecetra, a mythical city of the Volsci. During the Roman era, Supino was located downstream of the current town and was famous for its thermal baths. In the Middle Ages, the settlement moved towards the hill. The first mention of Supino we have is in the chronicles of Fossanova, dating back to 1125. Over the centuries, Supino underwent various dominations and passed from one family and power to another, but its beauty always remained intact.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Supino is a treasure trove of architecture and religious art. There are no less than four churches in the town. The main church is the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta, built on a pre-existing 12th century structure. This church contains many works of art, including a painting depicting the Madonna and Child. The Church of San Giovanni Evangelista, on the other hand, is built on the ruins of a medieval tower and boasts important frescoes and extraordinary paintings.

For history enthusiasts, there are many other places to visit in Supino. I recommend taking a walk along the castle walls, which are still standing, to admire the breathtaking view from the hill. In addition, it is worth visiting the Abbey of San Giovanni della Torre, which was built on the ruins of a medieval castle.


Supino is a hidden gem of Lazio, a charming town that will amaze you with its beauty and fascinating history. If you are looking for a different destination for your next day trip, I recommend considering Supino as your destination. You won't regret it!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Jun 24, 2022