
The Province of L'Aquila: a brief description

The Province of L'Aquila is located in Abruzzo, it is the largest but least populated, and has no outlet to the sea. It borders other Italian provinces: the province of Teramo to the northeast, the province of Pescara and the province of Chieti to the east, the province of Isernia to the southeast, and the province of Frosinone, the metropolitan city of Rome Capital and the province of Rieti to the west.

Physical geography of the Province of L'Aquila

The province entirely comprises the inland area of Abruzzo, from north to south parallel to the coastline in an area of 5,035 square kilometers, making it the ninth largest in Italy in terms of extension. There are several basins of lacustrine origin, where the largest inhabited centers are located. The province is surrounded by many mountains, such as the Gran Sasso, the Maiella, the Monti della Laga, the Monti Marsicani, and many others.

Discover the morphology and geography of the Province of L'Aquila.

Morphology of the Province of L'Aquila


The province has three different series of mountain ranges: Monti della Laga, Gran Sasso, and Maiella on the boundary with Teramo, Pescara, and Chieti; Monti Cicolani, Monti Simbruini, and Monti Ernici on the border with Lazio; and Monte Viglio, which is located on the southwestern mountain chain.


There are four different plains in the Province of L'Aquila: the Aquilan Basin, which passes through the Aterno river; Marsica, where the Fucino lake was located, west near the Lazio border; the Peligna Valley, near the coast bordering the province of Pescara; and Alto Sangro, near the province of Isernia.

In conclusion, the Province of L'Aquila is located in the inland area of Abruzzo and is characterized by the presence of numerous mountains. It has four different plains, each with its own characteristics. If you love nature and mountains, the Province of L'Aquila is the right place for you.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022