
Welcome to Finocchieto: A fraction of history and traditions

Welcome to Finocchieto, a fraction of the municipality of Stroncone, in the province of Terni. This peaceful location, nestled between hills and mountains, has a millennial history that makes it a small jewel of the Umbrian territory.


The history of Finocchieto begins in the year 813, when Acerisio di Teudemondo donates to the Abbey of Farfa the assets of his brothers, including those placed in that locality, then known as "Fenocletto". This donation was reported in the Regesto di Farfa and the online database of legal documents of the Carolingian empire of King's College London.

Finocchieto then changes jurisdiction in 1225, when it falls under the control of the Cathedral of San Giovenale in Narni. In 1277 it is attested that the surrounding castles have belonged to the city of Narni for some time. In 1527, the territory was plundered by the troops of Germany and Spain of the Prince of Orange, who came to Narni. In 1543, there was a legal territorial dispute to define the borders with the castle of Castiglione.

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Economy and events

Throughout history, the economy of Finocchieto has always been tied to agriculture and pastoralism. Today, the tradition continues with the feast of St. Vincent of Saragossa, patron saint of the town, celebrated on January 22nd. At the end of June, since 2005, the "Sagra della pappardella" takes place, a festival dedicated to the typical Umbrian dish seasoned with wild boar sauce. On September 8th, the nativity of Mary is celebrated with a procession that runs through the streets of the town.

Monuments and places of interest

Finocchieto is rich in artistic and architectural treasures. Among the most important monuments are the structure of the castle, still visible in the arrangement of the houses with decorations in travertine, and the church of San Vincenzo martire. The latter, built on the mastio of the old castle in Romanesque style, is a single-naved church and contains a holy water basin from 1489 and a painting from the 18th century.

In the territory of Finocchieto there are also other places of worship, such as the church of Madonna del Carmine, located beyond the walls of the town, and the oratory of the Virgin, near the cemetery. Finally, we cannot fail to mention the Valle Fara, a gorge on the north-western slopes of the Sabine Mountains, which offers suggestive naturalistic scenarios and a perfect combination of nature and beauty.


Finocchieto is a jewel of history and traditions, where life flows slowly and one lives in harmony with nature. We are certain that if you decide to visit this town, you will be enchanted by the beauty of its monuments, the tasty dishes of its traditional cuisine and its festivals felt with the heart and passion of the local inhabitants. Thank you for following us on this journey to discover Finocchieto.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Jan 22, 2022