
Welcome to Stroncone!

Hello everyone, today I'll tell you about Stroncone, an Italian municipality in the province of Terni, in Umbria. If you haven't visited it yet, I recommend you to do so as soon as possible! With its 4,588 inhabitants, it is a small village nestled between the Sabine Mountains, on the border with Lazio. The territory, mostly hilly, has its highest point at Macchialunga Pizzuta. In this text, I'll talk about the history of the town, from its origins to the Middle Ages.

Physical geography

As mentioned, the territory of the municipality of Stroncone is predominantly hilly and extends over an area of . The climate classification is zone E and its territory is located in the Sabine Mountains, with an altitude reaching 937 meters.

Stroncone: the history of an Umbrian medieval village



Stroncone has an ancient history, whose origins are unknown. A legend tells that the town rose on the ruins of the ancient Trebula Suffena, but there's no certain news about it. However, we know that the town was built around the 10th century by populations previously inhabiting the valley floor, who saw in the new site a safer and easily defensible place. Its strategic position on the border between the Papal State and the Byzantine territories made it a sort of refuge to defend against enemies.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the original settlement of the town was concentrated in the highest point of the rocky spur. Initially, the urbanization of the town was confused, structures were modified or built according to contingency needs. Subsequently, despite the rugged area, Stroncone developed into a well-organized town with the typical elements of a medieval village: narrow streets, churches with walls adjoining normal houses, stone portals and a well within the walls.

Politically, the town has always gravitated in the hegemonic orbit of the Papal State. In the 11th century, it was under the dominion of the Farfa Abbey. From the mid-12th century, it is listed as a tributary of the Roman Church. Given its strategic position and belonging to the Guelph faction, without underestimating the Ghibelline one, Stroncone was often exposed to external dangers. In 1209, Pope Innocent III was even forced to hit the Narni people with an interdict, who had damaged the municipality. Stroncone never forgot this gesture and always remained faithful to the Pope. The municipal coat of arms, in fact, features the white cross on a red background and the pontifical keys.

With the 14th century, the town, still following the destiny of Narni, appears governed by the rectors of the Papal State, until the appointment of a commissioner, at the end of the Avignonese papal exile.


Here is the history of Stroncone, from the 10th to the 14th century. As you can see, this small village has an interesting and fascinating history. Its geographical position made it a place of great importance during the Middle Ages, especially for representatives of the clergy. Stroncone is a destination that we recommend to those who want to immerse themselves in the history of Umbria, in its characteristic architecture and in the beautiful hilly landscapes that surround it. Come visit us, you won't regret it!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Jan 22, 2022