
Let's discover Stazzano, a town in Alessandria full of history and nature

Stazzano is a town located in the province of Alessandria in Piedmont, with a population of about 2398 inhabitants. The city is located on the right bank of the Scrivia river, facing Serravalle Scrivia.

Physical geography

Stazzano: history and nature in the heart of Alessandria


Stazzano is located at the confluence of the Borbera river into the Scrivia, near the last foothills of the Ligurian Apennines. In the municipal territory you can find the Albarasca Hill (601 m) and the Spineto Mountain (468 m), home of a famous Marian sanctuary.


The climate of Stazzano is mild and temperate, with average temperatures of 16.5 degrees throughout the year.


The toponym Stazzano probably derives from the 'gens Statia' or 'Statio', which in the territory, not far from the Roman city of Libarna, held possessions between the Scrivia valley and the Borbera valley. Starting from the Lombard period, the territory was among the possessions of the Bobbio Abbey of San Colombano. In the 10th century, it was cited among the properties of the Precipiano Abbey of Vignole Borbera. In 1157 it passed under the temporal dominion of the bishops of Tortona. Besieged by the Pavesi, allies of Frederick Barbarossa, it was rebuilt and confirmed by Barbarossa himself as possessing the city of Tortona. The village remained in the Tortona orbit, with alternating fortunes that also saw it in the hands of the Genoese and the Visconti of Milan. In 1784 it was ceded to Vittorio Amedeo III of Savoy, following the fate of the Savoyard states.


The coat of arms and the flag of the municipality of Stazzano were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on January 9, 1964.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of Stazzano

The castle of Stazzano was built in the Middle Ages and expanded by Monsignor de' Zanzii in 1505. Later, the castle was confiscated during the Napoleonic period and since 1994 has become a residence for the elderly. Next to it is the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart, designed by the architect Giulio Leale. The three-aisled church has coffered ceilings in plaster.

The Sanctuary of Monte Spineto

The Sanctuary of Monte Spineto is located on the summit of the homonymous mountain, at an altitude of 459 m. The sanctuary tells a legend that dates back to 1155 when Frederick Barbarossa's soldiers looted Stazzano, setting fire to the castle and forcing the inhabitants to flee to Mount Spineto. Here they invoked the Blessed Virgin Mary and were saved. In 1620, French troops threatened Stazzano again. The population took refuge on the hill, where a deaf and dumb girl saw a dove perch on a hawthorn bush, which bloomed out of season, causing the girl to regain her speech. Thus, in 1633 the construction of the sanctuary began, wanted by the bishop of Tortona Paolo Arese (1620-1640), who decreed that the main altar should be located where the hawthorn had bloomed.


Stazzano is a small village rich in history and legends. The city offers a visit to the Castle of Stazzano and the Sanctuary of Monte Spineto, which represent the main tourist attractions of the place. For those who love nature, the city is located in an ideal area, between the Ligurian Apennines and the Novi plain. There is nothing left but to visit Stazzano, marvel at its beauties and get lost in its streets.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022