Stagno Lombardo

Discover Stagno Lombardo, a small town in the province of Cremona

Stagno Lombardo, also known as ''Stàgn'' in Cremonese dialect, is a small Italian town with a population of 1421. Located in the southernmost part of the province of Cremona, in Lombardy, the town borders with Piacenza and Parma and is situated in an area that borders the Po River. Stagno Lombardo has a long and rich history, strongly influenced by the proximity of the river, which gave rise to the name of the town. These lands used to house the primitive bed of the Adda or one of its branches, and the presence of water puddles caused by frequent river floods has affected the life of the local community over the centuries.

An ancient and troubled history

Stagno Lombardo has an ancient and troubled history dating back to Gallic and Roman times. Over the centuries, the town has been subject to frequent floods that have erased important traces of its past. However, we know that towards the end of the twelfth century, Stagno Lombardo came under the jurisdiction of the Church of S. Romano, and that the locality of Lago Scuro belonged to the bishops of Cremona. In 1202, it became a fiefdom of the Sommi family, while in the locality of Cantone, there is a small tower that bears witness to an ancient lazaretto present at the time of the Black Death. A significant event in the history of Stagno Lombardo was the transfer of part of its territory, such as Brancere and Polesine with Gibello, from the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza to Lombardy by decree of Napoleon. The local community embodies a strong regional identity that is reflected in its symbols.

Discover Lombard Pond: history, culture and nature in Lombardy.

The Coat of Arms of the Municipality of Stagno Lombardo

The Coat of Arms of the Municipality of Stagno Lombardo is composed of a field of gold on which five bundles of blue wheat are arranged in two rows of two and one on a natural green field. The sheaves in the coat of arms recall the production of wheat, while the swamp represents the ancient situation of the area located on the left bank of the Po. This coat of arms was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on July 15, 1982.

Monuments and places of interest

Although Stagno Lombardo is a small town, it offers numerous tourist attractions. The parish church of the Ss. Nazaro and Celso is a very important church for local history and represents the result of numerous expansion interventions carried out towards the end of the last century. Inside the church, there is a valuable painting by P. Neri dating back to the seventeenth century. In the sacristy of the church of Brancere, there is a collection of archaeological finds discovered in the surroundings of the farms Gerre del Sole and Gerre del Pesce. In addition, the town hosts numerous festivals and fairs that allow visitors to discover the local culture and regional traditions.


The population of Stagno Lombardo has undergone constant demographic evolution, and social and cultural changes that have taken place over the years are evident. Traditions and folklore are still very important for the local community, which gathers to celebrate its patronal feasts. These celebrations have a strong link with religion and represent a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture and history of this small town in Lombardy.


The administration of Stagno Lombardo is active and committed to improving the quality of life of the local community. Thanks to its efforts, the town continues to grow and develop sustainably, with particular attention to the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the region.


In conclusion, Stagno Lombardo is a small town that offers numerous tourist and cultural attractions. Its ancient and troubled history, its strong regional identity, and its location near the Po River make it a unique and fascinating place. If you are looking for a quiet and authentic place to spend a few days of relaxation, Stagno Lombardo is definitely a destination to consider.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022