San Giacomo

Let's discover all the places named "San Giacomo" together

Whether you are passionate about art, architecture or geography, or simply want to discover how many Italian and foreign places have San Giacomo as their patron saint, you are in the right place!

Art and architecture

Let's start with the painting by Carlo Crivelli, known as "San Giacomo," located in the cathedral of Camerino. This work from 1472 was created using oil on wood panel.

Next, we have the San Giacomo Palace in Russi. A magnificent palace dating back to the 17th century located just outside of Ravenna. A true architectural gem, it is a popular destination for guided tours and tourists.

Let's discover the Italian and foreign locations of San Giacomo.


The list of places named "San Giacomo" in Italy and neighboring Croatia is long and interesting.

Among the Croatian locations, we find San Giacomo (Lussinpiccolo), also known as San Giacomo di Naresine, a small village located in the municipality of Lussinpiccolo.

In Italy, every region seems to have its own town with this name.

From northern to central Italy, we find:

Moving south, we have:


In addition to cities and towns, saints have also been named San Giacomo. These include:


We conclude the list with the Court of St. James's, which refers to the British monarchy. This term is used to refer to the position of the Crown Prince, the main entertainer of the ceremony at United Kingdom's festivals.


In conclusion, the name San Giacomo is rather widespread throughout Italy and beyond. If you decide to take a look at some of the cities or towns mentioned in this text, you will certainly be surprised by the intense vitality and beauty that each place is capable of expressing. Thank you for joining me on this journey through all the places named San Giacomo!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Feb 19, 2022