
Monteleone di Spoleto: The highest municipality in Umbria

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Monteleone di Spoleto, a delightful municipality in Umbria with a population of only 563 inhabitants and a breathtakingly panoramic position: it is in fact the highest municipality in the region.

Physical geography and geology

The area is characterized by the presence of mountains, whose composition is mainly sedimentary limestone rocks of marine origin, dating back to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. An interesting discovery is a fossil of an ammonite called "Rarenodia", first found in the marly rocks of the lithostratigraphic unit known as "Ammonitic Red," which played a significant role in dating the rocks.

The fossil is preserved in a classroom at the University of Perugia, is an otopype of the species and genotyp, and is placed in a special display case for public viewing.

Monteleone di Spoleto: the highest municipality in Umbria and its wonders.


The territory of Monteleone dates back to ancient times, with the presence of necropolises dating back to the Villanovan and Etruscan periods. A famous Etruscan artifact is the Monteleone Chariot, dating back to the mid-6th century B.C., which depicts scenes of the hero Achilles. The chariot is kept at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, but the municipal administration of Monteleone is requesting its return.

The area was then inhabited by the Romans who built the current hamlet of Trivio. The foundation of the castle of Monteleone occurred after the barbarian invasions, when the nobleman Attone built the castle of Brufa in 880. Destroyed around 1100, it was then rebuilt and donated to Spoleto, giving the name to the municipality of Monteleone. Later, the castle suffered a new destruction in 1228 by the Saracens, but was rebuilt in 1265 by the noble family of the Tiberti.

Events and tourist attractions

Monteleone di Spoleto is a perfect place for nature and ancient history lovers. Every year, in August, the White Night is held, a festival that extends throughout the night with music and shows.

Among the tourist attractions, the Castle of Monteleone is definitely worth a visit, and the church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the thirteenth century, offers a panoramic view of the valley below.

But among the main attractions of Monteleone is undoubtedly the Grotto of the Nymphs, a natural cave from which flows the water of the Teverone river spring. Here you can admire the sculptures of the famous contemporary artist Emilio Greco, representing Greek deities like nymphs, Aphrodite, and the god Pan. The cave is located about 5 km from the village, but it's certainly worth the trip!

Food and typical products

The cuisine of Monteleone di Spoleto is mainly based on typical Umbrian products, such as rigatoni with sausage, asparagus risotto, roasted pork and wild boar with hunters-style sauce.

In addition, the municipality is famous for its production of cheeses, including the prized Umbrian pecorino, which can be tasted in one of the wine cellars of the village.


Monteleone di Spoleto is undoubtedly a village to visit for nature and ancient history lovers, but also for those who love to savor typical Umbrian products. I recommend spending at least a couple of days here to admire all the wonders that this municipality has to offer. What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and go and discover Monteleone di Spoleto!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Feb 19, 2022