
Gradisca di Spilimbergo: a fortified and picturesque place

Welcome to Gradisca di Spilimbergo, a picturesque hamlet of the municipality of Spilimbergo, located just 5km south of the city center. This flat area is rich in forests, gardens, and agricultural land, and is crossed by the Cosa and Tagliamento rivers. The name "Gradisca" derives from the Slavic term "Grad", which means "defended place" or "fortified height", revealing its important defensive role in the past.

The past of Gradisca di Spilimbergo

The Gradisca fortress was founded in the 11th century BC to control the two important waterways of the Cosa and Tagliamento. The period of greatest development occurred between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, thanks to commercial exchanges with the Greek-Etruscan marketplaces in the Po delta. However, life in the fortress only slowly resumed when a Roman villa was erected inside it, in the 1st century BC.

Gradisca di Spilimbergo: history and nature in a fortified village.

The Middle Ages in Gradisca di Spilimbergo

During the Middle Ages, some Slavic populations were called by the patriarch and settled here, giving the village its current name of Gradisca. In 1290, Walterpertoldo II of Spilimbergo regulated the free ferry service between Gradisca and Bonzicco, another fortified village located on the opposite bank of the Tagliamento, also providing guests with an attached inn.

Around this period, the Parish of Santo Stefano was built, a church that was initially subject to the parish of Provesano and constituted with it a single parish reality until 1858.

The Parish of Santo Stefano: a place of great value

The Parish of Santo Stefano is one of the main points of interest of Gradisca di Spilimbergo. Its first mention dates back to 1291 and was subject to the Provesano parish for a long time. In 1744, a pact was approved which regulated the service of the churches of Santo Stefano and San Leonardo.


Gradisca di Spilimbergo is a small picturesque village with a unique and fascinating historical past. Its Parish of Santo Stefano is a very interesting place of worship that testifies to the religious history of the area. Do not hesitate to visit Gradisca di Spilimbergo to discover its natural and historical beauties!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Aug 12, 2022