
Castelvetro di Modena: A Hillside Municipality in Emilia-Romagna

Castelvetro di Modena is a small municipality in the province of Modena, located in the Emilia-Romagna region. With a population of just over 11,000 inhabitants, it has been awarded the tourist-environmental quality label of the Orange Flag by the Italian Touring Club. Castelvetro is part of the union of municipalities "Terre di castelli", and borders the municipalities of Formigine, Castelnuovo Rangone, Spilamberto, Vignola, Marano sul Panaro and Maranello.

Discover the Physical Geography of Castelvetro di Modena

Castelvetro di Modena is located in the central-eastern part of the province of Modena and is situated in the foothills and hills of the Frignano. Approximately 18 km southeast of Modena and 32 km west of Bologna, the municipality's territory is very diverse. From the plain in the north, the area rises to the high pre-Apennine hills in the south. Mount Tre Croci, about 410 meters high, is included in the municipality of Castelvetro, while the highest point in the entire municipality is the Colle della Guardia (about 450 meters above sea level), on which the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Health of Puianello was built. The municipality is crossed by the Guerro stream, a tributary of the Panaro, which divides the town into two and rises just south of the Puianello fraction.

Castelvetro di Modena: history, geography, and monuments.

Monuments and Places of Interest to Discover the History of Castelvetro di Modena

The municipality of Castelvetro is rich in religious, civil and military architecture that testifies to its history and attracts visitors from all over the world. Among the religious architecture, the Ancient church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo, the Church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo, the Bell tower of the ancient church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo, the Bell tower of the new church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo, the Oratory of Sant'Antonio, the Chezzo del Perù, the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Health and the Oratory of San Michele of the Parish of Levizzano stand out.

Among the civil architecture, it is possible to admire Piazza Roma and Scacchiera, Palazzo Rinaldi, Palazzo Rangoni, Palazzo Comunale, the Ancient acetaia, MusA: museum of the Absurd and the Statue in memory of Enrico Cialdini.

Finally, among the military architecture, Castelvetro is known for its six towers dating back to the Middle Ages. As a symbol of the town, three of the towers are depicted in the city coat of arms. Among these, the Clock Tower is located in Piazza Roma and is equipped with a sundial and a clock on all four sides. The Prison Tower, located in Piazza Roma and facing the Clock Tower, was formerly the building that housed the prisons, and the walls inside have incised graffiti probably made by prisoners.


Castelvetro di Modena is a municipality with an ancient past and rich architectural heritage. Crossed by the Guerro stream, its territory is characterized by the presence of hills, and has a very diverse geographical appearance. By visiting Castelvetro, one has the opportunity to discover the history and culture of a place that has left an indelible mark in the history of Emilia-Romagna.

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Mar 23, 2022