Spezzano Piccolo

Casali del Manco: History and Merger of Municipalities

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the Italian municipality of Casali del Manco, located in the province of Cosenza in Calabria. This municipality was established only a few years ago, on May 5th, 2017, thanks to the approval of a referendum that provided for the merger of the municipalities of Casole Bruzio, Pedace, Serra Pedace, Spezzano Piccolo, and Trenta.

Despite the positive result of the popular consultation, a negative outcome was recorded in Spezzano Piccolo. However, this did not prevent the forced merger of this municipality into the new entity.

The History of Casali del Manco

The term "Casali" refers to the ancient origins of the village, dating back to a period before the year 1000. The Casale represented an organized community with its own forms of administration.

Over the centuries, there have been various administrative and territorial modifications, but the diverse communities have maintained a strong cultural identity. Until the 1800s, the casali included in the five municipalities were fourteen, but almost all of them have maintained their traditions and cultural identity.

Until the early 1800s, each Casale had its own public assembly, called Universitas, during which decisions were made and recorded in the minutes of ancient notaries.

Casali del Manco: The Merger of Municipalities in Calabria

Municipality Merger

The merger of municipalities that led to the creation of Casali del Manco was decided by the citizens of Pedace, Casole Bruzio, Serra Pedace, and Trenta through a referendum. The new municipality is one of the largest in Calabria in terms of surface area and boasts the highest peak of the Sila, Monte Botte Donato.

The Coat of Arms and Flag of Casali del Manco

In 2020, the coat of arms and flag of Casali del Manco were granted. The coat of arms was chosen through a popular consultation held in December 2018.

The civic emblem represents a flowering tree with a single five-petal central flower and twelve smaller flowers below it. The central trunk symbolizes the unity of the new municipality, while the twelve little flowers represent the other fractions.


In conclusion, Casali del Manco represents an example of how the merger of municipalities can lead to the creation of a new entity that unifies diverse communities to address common problems more efficiently.

The history of this municipality is a testament to the strength of the communities that have maintained their cultural identity through the centuries. I am happy to have introduced you to this corner of Calabria and I hope to have piqued your curiosity to discover it in person!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022