
Sperone: A Small Campanian Municipality That Tells a Story

Sperone is a small municipality in Campania, located in the province of Avellino. With its 4000 inhabitants, Sperone is a town where history and traditions harmoniously merge with everyday life.

Geography and History

The territory of Sperone has a very ancient history. In the past, the town was part of the walls of Avella, a Roman city destroyed during the barbarian invasions. The inhabitants of Avella took refuge on the surrounding mountains, where they formed new settlements that were long united with Avella. Later, as the number of inhabitants in Avella grew, a part of them settled at midday towards Sperone, near the ancient church of Sant'Elia.

Among the six gates of ancient Avella, the Porta di Corte stood in the district of Sperone, as can be learned from the archaeological repertoire in Oscan language ''Cippus Abellanus'', kept at the Episcopal Seminary of Nola. Later on, this gate was also called the Porta di S. Elia.

Spur: the history and traditions of a municipality in Campania.


The Municipality of Sperone has a population of about 4000 inhabitants and a constant demographic evolution. It is a community where a friendly and welcoming atmosphere is breathed, where everyone knows each other, and where traditional values still carry great weight.


Sperone was part of the mountain community of Vallo di Lauro and Baianese until its dissolution in 2009. Currently, the Municipality belongs to the Union of Baianese-Alto Clanis municipalities, which coordinates and manages some public services at the local level.


The Municipality of Sperone is characterized by a strong cultural and historical identity, which is reflected in the numerous activities and events that animate the life of the town. Among the main initiatives, the patronal festival of Sant'Elia stands out, which takes place every year in August, and the festival of grapes and wine, which celebrates the viticultural tradition of this area.

Other Projects

Sperone is a town that deserves to be discovered and appreciated for its beauty, history, and traditions. If you are looking for an authentic place to spend your holidays, do not hesitate to visit this charming Campanian municipality!

External links

For more information on the Municipality of Sperone, you can visit the official website of the Municipality or consult the Wikipedia page.

Francesco Serra
Updated Saturday, Sep 3, 2022