
Discover Spello, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Hello friends, today I want to introduce you to a small treasure of Umbria: Spello. This town of 8284 inhabitants is located in the province of Perugia and is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. In addition, it has been awarded the Touring Club Italiano's tourist-environmental quality brand, the "Orange Flag".

The physical geography of Spello

Spello is situated on the western slopes of the Monte Subasio chain, in the Umbrian-Marche Apennines. The municipality covers an area that includes mountains, hills and plains. The capital is located at an altitude of 280 m above sea level and borders Assisi, Valtopina, Foligno, Bevagna and Cannara. The area is classified as D, 2075 GR/G.

Discover Spello: Umbrian treasure between history and nature.

The history of Spello

The foundation of the municipality dates back to the times of the Umbrians, who called it "Hispellum". In Roman times it was registered to the Lemonia tribe and subsequently declared "Colonia Giulia" by Caesar and "Splendidissima Colonia Julia" by Augustus. The city supported Augustus in the wars of Perugia and, after his victory, he ceded to Hispellum much of the territories governed by Perusia. Spello's domain extended as far as the sources of the Clitunno, which were previously under the possession of Bevagna. Over the centuries, Spello was invaded by the barbarians, who reduced it from a prosperous city to a poor village. The city then became part of the Duchy of Spoleto in Lombard and Frankish times, to become a free medieval commune under the domination of the Baglioni family in 1516. In the fourth century it was a bishop's seat and subsequently underwent various administrative mergers, until it was integrated into the diocese of Foligno in 1772.

Monuments and places of interest

Spello offers visitors a cultural and historical heritage among the most interesting in Umbria. Among the main monuments, don't miss the opportunity to visit the Roman amphitheater, the Consular Gate (the main entrance of the Roman city), the Augustan walls and the Urbica Gate, the Venus Gate, the Arce or Cappuccini Gate. An unforgettable experience could be a walk along the walls, among the alleys of the historic center and the medieval churches. Spello is a city where the past and the present blend perfectly.

The Roman Amphitheater of Spello

The Roman amphitheater of Spello is a unique attraction for visitors of the city. It is located a few steps from the historic center and was built in the second half of the 2nd century AD. The arena was entirely carved into the limestone rock and could accommodate up to 3500 spectators. The amphitheater was used for animal fights and gladiator combats. Today, the site has been excavated and a visit path has been created for all visitors.

The Roman Gates of Spello

The Roman gates of Spello are the main entrance to the city. The Consular Gate, built in Subasio limestone, presents itself with a medieval square tower and three Republican marble statues. The latter were added in the sixteenth century and come from the area of the amphitheater. The Augustan walls and the Urbica Gate, about 2 km long, are among the most significant and intact Italian city walls. The Venus Gate, also from the Augustan era, is very harmonious with two powerful Romanesque dodecagonal towers. The Arce or Cappuccini Gate is a Roman entrance located north of the city.


Spello is a city that has a lot to offer to visitors. The place is charming in every season of the year, from the green of the spring woods to the autumnal hues of the vineyards. The city jealously preserves its historical and cultural heritage, taking the visitor on a journey through Roman times, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. I invite you to plan a visit to Spello, as it will certainly give you unique emotions not to be missed.

Federico Conte
Updated Monday, Feb 14, 2022