
Discovering Sparanise: a town to be explored

Welcome to Sparanise, a small town located in the province of Caserta, in Campania. Founded in 988, this city is a hidden gem between the Appia and the Casilina. With its 7220 inhabitants, Sparanise is a plain center surrounded by hills, located in the upper area of Caserta, near Teano and it is part of the territory of Agro caleno.

The physical geography of Sparanise

The territory of Sparanise is characterized by the presence of hills, but also by a plain area, which makes it a very interesting area for those who love to go hiking in nature.

Sparanise: the municipality between nature and history.

Origin of the name

Sparanise is a town with a rather peculiar name, whose meaning seems to be surrounded by a halo of mystery. In fact, there are several theories that try to guess the origin of this toponym, including the most suggestive one that indicates the presence of a temple dedicated to Dea Fortuna. However, the name could also derive from an ancient surname that was widespread among the first settlers, and from a Latin suffix "-ensis" that indicates belonging to a place. Finally, a recent hypothesis believes that it is linked to the presence of a pagan temple dedicated to the god Espero.

The history of Sparanise

Sparanise, like many towns in the area, was born in the Middle Ages. In particular, it seems that the town developed thanks to Abbot Roffredo, of the Benedictine Monastery of San Vincenzo in Volturno, who erected a church in what was the territory of Calvi. From there, the town of Sparanise began to develop, which over the centuries underwent numerous vicissitudes and changes.

The human presence in Sparanise

Sparanise has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by archaeological finds dating back to the final Eneolithic period. During the archaic and classical ages, the territory was inhabited thanks to the presence of inscriptions in the Oscan language and archaeological material.

The church of San Vitaliano and the water mill

Another element that makes Sparanise interesting is the presence of the church of San Vitaliano, located near the town. In the medieval period, in the vicinity of the church, there was also a water mill that was fed by streams. In addition, in the fifteenth century, the courts began to take shape, that is, buildings arranged almost in a circular shape around a square, then called by the people "aria".


In conclusion, Sparanise is a town that deserves to be known and explored in depth, thanks to its geographical position and interesting history. It could be an ideal destination for those wishing to go hiking in nature and discover ancient treasures. All this makes Sparanise a place that cannot be missed on the list of towns to visit in Italy, especially if you want to learn about the rich history of the region.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023