
Welcome to Diolo: a small hamlet north of Soragna!

Have you ever wondered what lies hidden in the province of Parma? Today, I want to talk to you about Diolo, a beautiful hamlet in the municipality of Soragna, located approximately 4.31 km away from the capital city.

A flat location north of Soragna

Diolo is situated in a flat location, north of Soragna, and is crossed from south to north by the small Lupi channel. It is a lovely place that invites you to a peaceful stroll.

Diolo: the beautiful hamlet north of Soragna.

A name that dates back to the medieval era

The name of the locality probably derives from "Dullium", meaning "small castle," and was mentioned in medieval documents as "Dugiulum," "Digiulum," and "Diolum." Its history and that of Soragna intertwine starting from the Pallavicino family, until reaching the Marquis Meli Lupi, invested by the Holy Roman Emperor Godfrey III of Leuven, and later by Charles IV of Luxembourg in 1347.

A church with neogothic architecture

The cultural heritage of Diolo is enriched by the Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, which dates back to the early 16th century. Although it was demolished in 1914, the bell tower still remains. The church was rebuilt on the design of architect Alfredo Provinciali in neogothic architecture style a few hundred meters to the south. It is now a sanctuary dedicated to Jesus and houses a painting depicting "Jesus as a teenager in the midst of teenagers from the five continents," created by Giuseppe Moroni in 1916.

Center of the Boscaccio Giovannino Guareschi

Diolo is also famous for the Boscaccio Giovannino Guareschi Center. Here, visitors can admire objects, testimonies, and writings dedicated to Giovannino Guareschi, who described the Boscaccio farm in Diolo in his stories. The center is located within the bell tower of the original Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria in Soragna.

Bibliography and useful links

Come and discover Diolo! If you want to know more about the history of this beautiful place, you can consult the books "Soragna: Storia, Personaggi, Leggende" by Giuliano Crivelli and "Soragna Nella Storia e nell'Arte" by Luigi Rangeloni. For further information on useful links, you can visit the website of the Municipality of Soragna.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jun 11, 2022