Discovering Sonico: a small town in Lombardy
Welcome to Sonico, a town in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy with a population of 1208 inhabitants. The territory of Sonico stretches from the highest part of the upper Valle Camonica to the beginning of the upper Valle Camonica, characterized by the Insubric line.
The history of Sonico
The history of Sonico dates back to 1365, when the Bishop of Brescia, Enrico da Sessa, invested the Federici family with the rights of tithing in the territories of Breno, Vione, Vezza d'Oglio, Sonico, Malonno, Berzo Demo, Astrio, Ossimo and Losine. In 1397, during the peace of Breno, the representatives of the community of Sonico sided with the Ghibelline faction, and in 1423 the Bishop of Brescia, Francesco Marerio, invested the della Torre di Cemmo family with the rights of tithing in the territories of Monno, Cevo, Andrista, Paisco Loveno, Saviore, Cemmo, Ono San Pietro, Sonico, Astrio, Malegno, Cortenedolo, Vione, Incudine and Berzo Demo.
Already in 1614, the parish priest of Sonico recorded the ancient origins of the town, the leading families of the indigenous families, who had the power to deliberate in councils, while the nobles, ecclesiastics, and foreigners were excluded. The surnames of the ancient origins recorded in the vicinia registers were Accampo-Accampi, Adamini, Borgnacco-Borgnac, Caserotti-Casarotti, Fanetti, Funassi-Funazzi, Gelmi, Masneri, Perlotti, Semperboni, and Tisi.

The heritage of Sonico
Sonico is a town with a heritage to manage, which includes the Church of San Lorenzo Martire, built in the fifteenth century and enlarged in 1580 on the orders of San Carlo Borromeo, as well as the church of Sant'Andrea, a hospice and then parish in the fifteenth century.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Pradella, with Sarnico stone columns and a granite portal, preserves the oldest bell in the Valle Camonica, dating back to 1421, and is of particular interest to both the faithful and tourists. The chapel of San Gottardo was built in the fifteenth century and has been entrusted to the care of the Disciplini di Valcamonica.
Symbols of the Municipality of Sonico
The emblem of the Municipality of Sonico is azure, with the image of a white lily in the center. The gonfalone is an azure cloth.
The history and traditions of Sonico convey a strong sense of belonging to the community and a deep care for the cultural and religious heritage of the town. We invite you to personally discover this wonderful town, allowing you to take a dive into the history and culture of Lombardy.