
Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about Smerillo, a small municipality in the Marche region, located in the province of Fermo and with a population of about 330 inhabitants.

Physical geography

Smerillo is located on a rocky spur at 806 meters above sea level, halfway between the Sibillini Mountains and the Adriatic Sea. The view from the surrounding hills is simply spectacular.


In the Middle Ages, Smerillo was a castle of great importance, equal in dignity with Fermo. Even today, you can admire the ruins of the castle walls, the north gate, and the "cassero." The name of the town seems to derive from a falcon "lo smeriglio" with which the feudal lord hunted. Some attribute the name to the De Smerillo family, which lived in the town in the past.

Smerillo: a medieval village between the Sibillini Mountains and the sea.


Demographic evolution

In recent years, the population of Smerillo has remained fairly stable, around 330 inhabitants.


One of the most famous events in Smerillo is the open-air cinema that takes place every August and attracts many people from all over the region. In addition, the town also hosts the "Le Parole della Montagna" festival and the "Castagnata in Piazza" (third Sunday in October), where you can taste the local chestnuts.



Smerillo is home to the Fossil and Mineral Museum, which includes a vast collection of Italian fossils from the Paleozoic to the Neozoic era. The mineral section, on the other hand, also includes some rough diamonds.


The municipal administration of Smerillo is very active in promoting the local territory and the economy of the town.


The inhabitants of Smerillo also engage in sports: the town has a five-a-side football team, Centro Sportivo Italiano, called Club 81 Smerillo, which plays at the Mancini field in Montefalcone Appennino.

Image gallery

I hope these photos do justice to the beauty of this charming little town.


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I recommend visiting the official website of the Municipality of Smerillo, where you can find further information about the town and its history. You won't regret it!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022