Sissa Trecasali

The Municipality of Sissa Trecasali: a history of union and popular consultation

The birth of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali, which took place on January 1st, 2014, represents an example of merger between Italian municipalities, thanks to the initiative of the administrations of the two municipalities of Sissa and Trecasali, located in the province of Parma.

To carry out the merger, the procedure provided for by Art. 133, paragraph 2 of the Italian Constitution was followed, regulated in detail by regional laws on municipal districts. After the favorable approval of both municipal councils and the positive opinion of the Emilia-Romagna Region, a consultative popular referendum was held on October 6th, 2013 among the interested populations who expressed in favor of the merger and choosing the denomination of the new administrative reality among a range of proposals.

The Region officially established the new Sissa Trecasali municipal entity, which has been active since January 1st, 2014, initially governed by a prefectural commissioner until the elections of May 25th, 2014, when the former mayor of Trecasali won at the head of a center-left civic list.

Symbols: the coat of arms and the flag of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali

The coat of arms and the flag of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on December 10th, 2014. The flag is a parti-colored drapery of blue and white.

The merger of the municipalities of Sissa and Trecasali: history, cultural heritage and administrations.

Monuments and places of interest: a cultural heritage to discover

The Municipality of Sissa Trecasali boasts a rich history and cultural heritage that is worth discovering. Among the places of interest, stands out the Rocca dei Terzi, located near the Taro river, witness of a long medieval and Renaissance history.

But there are also numerous churches with interesting architectures, such as the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the Church of Saints Antonio Abate and Bernardino. Also the Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta, the Church of Sant'Amatore, the Church of San Donnino and the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista are definitely worth a visit.

Society: the demographic evolution of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali

The Municipality of Sissa Trecasali today counts about 7794 inhabitants, however the demographic evolution of the territory has been constantly growing in recent years, also thanks to the economic activity of the place, mainly related to agriculture and craftsmanship.

Administration: the administrations that have succeeded in the territory of Sissa Trecasali

The table below presents the administrations that have succeeded in this Municipality since its birth in 2014.


In this space it is possible to add any additional notes regarding the history, geography or society of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali.

Related topics

In this area, the topics related to the history and culture of the territory of Sissa Trecasali are listed. Among these, stand out Sissa and the Terzi di Sissa.

Other projects

In this paragraph there are any external links for deepening or referring to useful information, such as the official website of the Municipality of Sissa Trecasali.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Jan 9, 2022