
Welcome to Silius!

Silius is a small Italian municipality with just over 1,000 inhabitants, located in the province of South Sardinia, 570 meters above sea level. Known for its historical importance and the presence of the Castle of Sassai or Orguglioso, Silius has a rich history and numerous places of interest.

The History of Silius

The area where Silius stands has been inhabited since the Nuragic period, as evidenced by the presence of various Nuraghi, including Nuraxi Santu Damianu and Nuraxi de d'Arcu e sa Pira, both in precarious conditions but still visible. In the Middle Ages, the territory belonged to the Giudicato of Cagliari and was part of the Gerrei curatorship.

The Castle of Sassai or Orguglioso, built in 1253 on a hill 430 meters above sea level, served as a stronghold to control a vast area of the territory, including that of Ballao and a stretch of the Flumendosa river. It was destroyed in 1353 during the Sardinian-Catalan War for supremacy over Sardinia.

After the fall of the Giudicato in 1258, Silius passed under the rule of the Republic of Pisa and, around 1324, under that of the Crown of Aragon. In 1681, the town was incorporated into the County of Villasalto, a fiefdom of the Zatrillas family, and twenty years later it was annexed to the Marquisate of Villaclara, first under the Zatrillas and then under the Vivaldi Pasqua family. It was redeemed from the Vivaldi Pasqua in 1839 with the abolition of the feudal system.

Silius: history, culture, and places of interest in Sardinia

Places of Interest

Among the places of interest in Silius are various churches, such as that of the Holy Perpetua and Felicity and the Church of San Sebastiano. But undoubtedly the main attraction is the Castle of Sassai or Orguglioso, which dominates the surrounding territory.

Furthermore, in the territory of the Municipality, there are numerous Nuraghi, including the splendid Nuragic sacred well of Funtana Crobetta, an example of a temple dedicated to the worship of water. Among the other Nuraghi present in the territory of Silius: Arrularis, Cuccuru domu 'e S'Orcu, Cuccuru domu 'e S'Orcu II, Foddi, Santu Damianu, Sassai, Zoppana, Bruncu Mannu, Bruncu Su Carraxiu, S'Acqua Frida, Is Carroccias, Padenti Scurosu, and Pizzu Ibas.

Culture and Society

Silius is a peaceful and hospitable municipality that still maintains the traditions and customs of Sardinia. Here, you can breathe a familiar and welcoming atmosphere, thanks to a community that is committed to keeping local history and culture alive.


The municipal administration of Silius is composed of the mayor and the municipal council and is responsible for managing the activities of the territory and responding to the needs of the community.

Notes and Bibliography

To learn more about the history and culture of Silius, you can consult the bibliography available at the municipality's library. Furthermore, in the surrounding area, there are various interesting tourist sites to visit.


Silius is a municipality worth knowing, both for its millennia-old history and for the numerous places of interest it hosts. Here you can experience moments of peace and tranquility, immersed in the beauty of Sardinia and the cordiality of its people. Come discover Silius!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Saturday, May 7, 2022