
Discovering the Municipality of Siamanna

Siamanna is a charming Italian municipality located in the province of Oristano, in Sardinia. With its 796 inhabitants, Siamanna is a true gem of the region, with an ancient history and historical monuments of rare beauty. This article will take you on a journey to discover the history and treasures of this enchanting village.


Located on the hills at the foot of Mount Grighine, Siamanna is a town that boasts an ancient history dating back to Roman times. The name of the town derives from the combination of the terms "sa ia" (the road) and "manna" (great), meaning "the great road". During the Middle Ages, the town was part of the Judicate of Arborea, and passed under the Marquisate of Oristano in 1410. In 1767, it became a fiefdom of the Marquisate of Arcais, and later became part of various administrative divisions in the Kingdom of Italy.

After its unification with the municipality of Siapiccia, Siamanna became a separate municipality in 1975, thanks to a referendum held by the inhabitants of the town.

Discover Siamanna: art, history and nature in Sardinia.

Monuments and places of interest

Siamanna is a municipality rich in monuments and places of interest. The Church of Santa Lucia is the most important monument, with the bell tower built around 1745. The original structure of the church dates back to 1512 and was restored in 1950 after many damages suffered over the centuries. The Church of San Giovanni, on the other hand, is an 19th century building reopened for worship after years of neglect.

But in addition to the churches, it is the archaeological sites that prevail in Siamanna. The municipality counts nine nuraghi, including the Nuraghe "Santu Anni" (or San Giovanni), one of the most important in the area. Both the bell tower and the church of this nuraghe have been recently restored.

There are also other well-preserved nuraghi such as Nuraghe Auredda, Nuraghe Concu, Nuraghe Crogana, Nuraghe Curreli, Nuraghe Monte Quasigu, Nuraghe Paba de Soli, Nuraghe Paiolu and Nuraghe Pitzu Cau. All these sites are immersed in unspoilt nature and offer breathtaking views of the Sardinian hinterland.

Natural-interest areas

In the territory of Siamanna there is also the picnic area called "Sa cora e is ortus", located on Mount Grighine at about 400 meters above sea level. This area represents an ideal place for a family outing or with friends, where you can taste local products immersed in nature.


Siamanna is a municipality that has seen a continuous demographic evolution over the years. While maintaining its rural character, the town is becoming increasingly attractive thanks to the beauty of its historical monuments and natural areas.


In conclusion, Siamanna is a Sardinian municipality that offers natural and historical landscapes of great charm. With its cultural and natural heritage, it represents a place to visit for those who want to discover the true spirit of Sardinia.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Jun 27, 2022