Settimo San Pietro

Settimo San Pietro: an ancient and fascinating Sardinian town

Located in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, in Sardinia, Settimo San Pietro is a town that houses a population of about 6,902 inhabitants. The town takes its name from the expression "Septimo ab urbe lapide", which indicates the seven miles of distance that separate it from the inhabited center of Cagliari. Known since ancient times for its strategic position, the town has a long and interesting history that has seen it pass from the hands of the nuragic people to those of the Romans, through the Aragonese Sardinia and the Republic of Pisa.

Ancient and modern history: from the nuragic civilization to the free municipality

The territory of Settimo San Pietro has an ancient history, dating back to the Neolithic period. However, it is in the Bronze Age that the nuragic civilization spread in the area, flourishing in Sardinia between the 15th and 6th century BC. During this period, the nuragic complex of "Cuccuru Nuraxi" was built, one of the most important archaeological sites in the town.

After the arrival of the Romans, the territory was equipped with monuments and services. In 1880, a Roman aqueduct was found near the town, demonstrating the strategic importance of the area already in ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, Settimo San Pietro belonged to the jurisdiction of Cagliari, in the curatorship of the Campidano di Càlari. After the fall of the latter in 1257, the town became part of the overseas possessions of the Republic of Pisa. In 1324, Settimo passed to the Aragonese Kingdom of Sardinia and was enfeoffed to Berengario Carroz. In 1363, the County of Quirra was created, enfeoffed to the Carroz, in which the town of Settimo also became part.

In 1603, the county was transformed into a marquisate, passing from the Carroz to the Centelles. Later, the lordship passed to the Osorio de la Cueva, who held it until the abolition of feudalism in 1839. Thus, Settimo became a free municipality, administered by a mayor and a city council.

Seventh San Pietro: history and archaeological sites in Sardinia.


The municipal banner of Settimo San Pietro is a yellow and blue truncated pennant.

Monuments and places of interest

Settimo San Pietro boasts numerous monuments and archaeological sites of great tourist interest.

Religious architectures

Among the religious architectures, the Church of San Pietro is undoubtedly one of the most important. Built in the 15th century and rebuilt in the 18th century, the church is the parish church of the town. Other notable churches are the Romanesque church of San Giovanni Battista and the rural church of San Pietro in vincoli.

Archaeological sites

For lovers of history and art, the town offers numerous archaeological sites of great interest. Among these, the nuragic complex of "Cuccuru Nuraxi" represents one of the most important archaeological treasures of the town. The site is made up of a series of nuraghes, corridors and chambers, which testify to the strategic importance of the town already in the nuragic era.

Other important archaeological sites of Settimo San Pietro are the Domus de janas S'acqua 'e is dolus, prehistoric necropolises carved into the rock.


Demographic evolution

The population of Settimo San Pietro counts about 6,902 inhabitants, with a density of about 45 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Ethnicities and foreign minorities

Within the town reside 54 foreign citizens, representing about 0.8% of the total population. The main groups are represented by Romanian, Moroccan and Polish citizens.

Languages and dialects

The official language spoken in Settimo San Pietro is Italian, however, the dialect of the town is Campidanese Cagliaritano, a variant of the Sardinian language.


The main activity of the town is agriculture, thanks to the fertile plains surrounding the town. Among the most widespread crops we find vines and almonds.


The municipality of Settimo San Pietro is administered by a city council and a mayor, and is part of the metropolitan city of Cagliari.


The town of Settimo San Pietro is a place rich in history and traditions, boasting monuments and archaeological sites of great interest. The population is friendly and hospitable, making the town an ideal place to visit and discover Sardinia.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Tuesday, Dec 27, 2022